Today's Wedding - crazy & short !!!

This sounds like a carry on film :LOL: well done for getting through it. I am a truck driver aswell 75 hrs a week untill credit crunch now only 60, yes its insain but without us drivers how would anyone eat. Sorry Dave I got away from your adventure, looking for ward to seeing pics. (y)
A lesser (read weekend warrior) would have folded ......

Well done

Best I have is the groom trying to do a runner 10 minutes before the ceremony and the ushers running after him and dragging him back ......

Mine seems a piece of cake to yours - oh and where are the pictures ?

And really I don't believe you didn't get any of the biker arriving

Sorry but as an ex "Weekend Warrior" I take exception to that,I was also out to give the best service possible whatever was thrown at me
Sorry but as an ex "Weekend Warrior" I take exception to that,I was also out to give the best service possible whatever was thrown at me

You are the exception then ...... I was generalising and you no doubt know of many that it fits with
You are the exception then ...... I was generalising and you no doubt know of many that it fits with

I have to agree with CP there also its not a very fair generalisation, I also give as good a service then many full time people out there - just because my family responsibilities mean that at the moment I need to work part time as well doesn't mean I won't do the best job possible - and the way things are going it doesn't look like I'll be doing that past then end of next year ;-)

I've seen many bad WW's though - and not as many but some bad full timers

:LOL: I wouldnt mind she's only FIVE MONTHS pregnant, she just looks Seven!!! She's HUGE with the baby!!!

Not only to add to the mad crazy day, as I went back to do the cutting the cake shots, the room was almost black!!! And I had to move the cake as it was in the worse place possible [good job it was only a small one]

I then went home, got re-showered and uploaded the images to the computer and got ready and turned up as a guest not even 2hours later. In a dress, different to the Jeans and Tshirts they'd seen me in previously! :LOL:

I was outside talking with the bride [and female members of the family] , when the groom storms out declaring that he's not a happy bunny! Because they have spelt his name wrong on the Marraige Certificate [One is spelt right, one is spelt wrong]

I took quite a few "as a guest" at the evening do, and quite a few was "why does mine look like pants compared to yours" and I just slightly chuckled and walked away cos someone had shouted me [they were using a mobile phone!!]

I got quite a few of "can you please take a picture of...." so they're the ones we always love to take :)

It was a mad crazy day, and everything was shot and quick, mad and fun.

They were rumours that someone had fallen off the bike, but of course, the only people there were Dave and I, and the groomsmen! ;)
lol, just catching up today, been away partying. :) yay for weekends off. :)

You mean she was not a glamorous size 8 marrying a premiership footballer in a castle? with model bridesmaids and vintage cars? :nono:

We had to take our bride and groom for a walk last week and park the entire wedding party in the bar of the hotel because they had booked two weddings on the same day. It would not have been a problem if they had been at opposite ends of the venue but one party had to go through the space the other was in to get to their room. :wacky:

We had to get together with the photographers for the other wedding and the venue manager to work out how we could keep the front of the hotel clear for their Bride arrival and still get our group shots done.

Thankfully the rain held off or there could have been a mutiny. :shake:
:LOL: I wouldnt mind she's only FIVE MONTHS pregnant, she just looks Seven!!! She's HUGE with the baby!!!

Not only to add to the mad crazy day, as I went back to do the cutting the cake shots, the room was almost black!!! And I had to move the cake as it was in the worse place possible [good job it was only a small one]

I then went home, got re-showered and uploaded the images to the computer and got ready and turned up as a guest not even 2hours later. In a dress, different to the Jeans and Tshirts they'd seen me in previously! :LOL:

I was outside talking with the bride [and female members of the family] , when the groom storms out declaring that he's not a happy bunny! Because they have spelt his name wrong on the Marraige Certificate [One is spelt right, one is spelt wrong]

I took quite a few "as a guest" at the evening do, and quite a few was "why does mine look like pants compared to yours" and I just slightly chuckled and walked away cos someone had shouted me [they were using a mobile phone!!]

I got quite a few of "can you please take a picture of...." so they're the ones we always love to take :)

It was a mad crazy day, and everything was shot and quick, mad and fun.

They were rumours that someone had fallen off the bike, but of course, the only people there were Dave and I, and the groomsmen! ;)

5 months my arse :shake:

Or, she not having a baby but triplets or a Hippo - :LOL:

Glad it was just as nuts later too Adele

My god, this isn't the Harley Davidson wedding at the Leeds town hall that was on the news the other night was it...:LOL:
wow, I hope the wedding im doing at the end of the month goes alot sweeter than the ones you lot have had its my second one (first was my brothers), I dont think i could handle delivering a baby! the life of a wedding tog seems very interesting :p
Yep 5months she's due on 5th November. She was MUCH bigger with her 2nd daughter :LOL:
Sounds huge! If she had left the wedding for another 2 months you could have done a good wind up on Dave, saying she was getting pains in the middle of the b&g shots just to add to the general craziness :LOL:
:LOL: I wouldnt mind she's only FIVE MONTHS pregnant, she just looks Seven!!! She's HUGE with the baby!!!

Not only to add to the mad crazy day, as I went back to do the cutting the cake shots, the room was almost black!!! And I had to move the cake as it was in the worse place possible [good job it was only a small one]

I then went home, got re-showered and uploaded the images to the computer and got ready and turned up as a guest not even 2hours later. In a dress, different to the Jeans and Tshirts they'd seen me in previously! :LOL:

I was outside talking with the bride [and female members of the family] , when the groom storms out declaring that he's not a happy bunny! Because they have spelt his name wrong on the Marraige Certificate [One is spelt right, one is spelt wrong]

I took quite a few "as a guest" at the evening do, and quite a few was "why does mine look like pants compared to yours" and I just slightly chuckled and walked away cos someone had shouted me [they were using a mobile phone!!]

I got quite a few of "can you please take a picture of...." so they're the ones we always love to take :)

It was a mad crazy day, and everything was shot and quick, mad and fun.

They were rumours that someone had fallen off the bike, but of course, the only people there were Dave and I, and the groomsmen! ;)

I wouldn't move the cake, I'd get the venue staff to move it, I saw one fall apart once when it was moved, heaven help if your the one holding onto it when that happens:crying:
wonderful post i enjoyed reading this :LOL:
ive never thought wedding photography was easy.

ive been asked out of the blue to do 2 on the strength of my rock pictures.i have been trying to disuade them from using me telling them its a different skill.
maybe i should let them read this:D
wonderful post i enjoyed reading this :LOL:
ive never thought wedding photography was easy.

ive been asked out of the blue to do 2 on the strength of my rock pictures.i have been trying to disuade them from using me telling them its a different skill.
maybe i should let them read this:D

Although 'odd' & 'testing' things happen at Weddings - this was an especially chaotic & short one - don't let it put you off too much :LOL:

You forgot the important stuff.

What camera did you use? Lenses, f/number? Did you find the extra reach of the 85 1.8 was worth it over the nifty-fifty? Lovely bokeh. And the Nikon is so much better at high ISO, so you can capture all the atmosphere and don't need flash.

Seriously mate, hillarious story :LOL: Well done for surviving.
i cant wait for the book

"confessions of a wedding photographer"

talk about thinking on your feet :clap::LOL:
You forgot the important stuff.

What camera did you use? Lenses, f/number? Did you find the extra reach of the 85 1.8 was worth it over the nifty-fifty? Lovely bokeh. And the Nikon is so much better at high ISO, so you can capture all the atmosphere and don't need flash.

Seriously mate, hillarious story :LOL: Well done for surviving.

On this event?

D300 with 18-70mm

D2Xs with 10.5mm

Although the actual ceremony is well lit via windows (hence ISO 1,000 is fine), the rest of the interior needs fill-flash to balance the light from an overhead window. The rest of the Shoot at the park was against the light too, hence more fill flash

But you're right, the D300 does let me get away with much less flash than the (still fabulous) D2Xs does

Yesterday I was photographing a 6 month old girl in her own home, with the 85 @ f2 and 1,000 ISO the results are fab :)

On this event?

D300 with 18-70mm

D2Xs with 10.5mm

Although the actual ceremony is well lit via windows (hence ISO 1,000 is fine), the rest of the interior needs fill-flash to balance the light from an overhead window. The rest of the Shoot at the park was against the light too, hence more fill flash

But you're right, the D300 does let me get away with much less flash than the (still fabulous) D2Xs does

Yesterday I was photographing a 6 month old girl in her own home, with the 85 @ f2 and 1,000 ISO the results are fab :)


LOL I was joking :D Thought there might have been other things on your mind rather than bokeh :eek:

I know the bride was big, but did you need a fisheye? :LOL:
LOL I was joking :D Thought there might have been other things on your mind rather than bokeh :eek:

I know the bride was big, but did you need a fisheye? :LOL:

May have been a joke but it wasn't a bad question, and one some others may have been interested in

And no, the fisheye wasn't for the bride :D

2 saturdays ago now, I had a wedding on. Actually, we had 2 weddings on. Matt and Steve were covering one, and I the other.

I'd been pretty ill with asthma all the week leading up to the wedding. At 4.30AM on Saturday morning I had an asthma attack. I had to call the ambulance out (I was home alone - very scary!). So the paramedics came, put me on oxygen, took my blood etc etc - wanted me to go to hospital.

"I have a wedding in 3 hours" says I.
"You need to be in hospital mate - you're not good!"...
"What would it take for me to persuade you otherwise?" says a brave me
"Your heart rate to be below 100bpm and your breathing to have eased".
So 40 mins later - I satisfied this criteria. Went and did the wedding, at 2.00PM I rushed to Pinderfields, checked over, back to the studio - quick process - back to the night do with the projector and quick edited pics.....went down a storm :D

Needless to say, I had a few days off after that and got some R&R. All in the day of a wedding tog....geees!!

Having just spent four days in hospital for the same thing I realise that the show must go on but hell your health must come first! I'm sure the other togs could have split to cover you if needed and there are no extra points gained for putting yourself through this. I can finally use my favorite saying of the moment "There are no pockets in shrouds" I guess Wedding Photography can be very dangerous as well as err easy... :exit: