Took 1 prime to my friends wedding...

Well done on limiting yourself to 1 lens :)
Makes it tougher, but also more freeing in many other ways

Critique ...?

#1 I shoot bright, but this seems about 1-1.5 stops over.
Could probably be rescued a bit in cameraraw

#2 Remove boob/arm crease and maybe liquefy the chin up a bit
The corner of the room cuts right in front of her face. Distracting and leads the eye out the frame.

#3 Focus is on the back of the dad's heads rather than the brides face. Would work in reverse or perhaps you could see their faces more

#4 A bit dim and the colour balance is off. Could make a great B&W tho

#5 Looks like the boy's just smacked the guy with the luminous nob in the forehead :LOL:

#6 Expressive, but he looks like he's sitting on the table
LOL thanks for your comments....

1. - was processed that way :) on purpose :0
2. liquify her chin - but that is how her chin is......... !
was a grab shot so sadly the corner of the room was where the corner of the room was :(
3. I know - bummer!
4. I think the shot lost all it's character when processed in mono - will try adjusting the wb though to see if I prefer other settings - thanks.
5 & 6. LOL

Thanks for taking the time to comment...
Hi Jeff

1 I agree with Callum, it's too bright for my taste

2 I can see the merits of the suggested edits, I would leave as is when it's a friend. Always feel as if i'm insulting friends and family when I do too much editing. Think if you were more infront of the bride when the shot was taken the angle would have been better and would have avoided the corner. But as you say "things were what they were" The sunlight catching the back of her head is a bit distracting.

3 Agree again with Callum. Think the oof bride would be fine if it was the cake in front of her but not so good when it's the back of peoples heads.

4 Really like this shot, and like it with the colours exactly as they are.

5 & 6 That's that krikit game i've heard of isn't it? Does look like he is on the table.

Well done on the set, and well done on taking one lens. 28mm again? I really need to get one of those
Good work with a single lens - only way to shoot, IMHO. (y)

As you're taking these photos on the fly, instead of posed (as such), I think they're great and agree with your sentiment on 'editing' the subjects.

Lovely set of photos which I think your friend will be thrilled with (although perhaps not those balding gents!)...