Top 10 movies... of all time

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OK, just like it say on the tin, post your top ten of all time.

Mine are....:thinking: ... difficult to choose, but:

(in no order of preference)

The Thirteenth Floor
Blade Runner
Naked Lunch
American Psycho
The Fountainhead
The Right Stuff
Mulholland Drive
Fail Safe
Rosemary's Baby
The Crucible many others, but these one's came to me first.
Smooth. Here is mine in no order

Usual Suspects
Tears of The Sun
Blood Diamond
V for Vendetta
Lucky Number Slevin
Ace Venturer When Nature Calls
Beautifull Mind
Ong Bak
Mine in no order... Could of gone of forever!!

Click (Literally had me on the floor laughing!!)
Red Dragon (Disappointed at how not scary it was!)
Forest Gump
8 Mile
Kill Bill...
Saw 4
Italian Job New
Italian Job Old
Fast and furious Tokyo Drift
hmm tough one...however, in no particular order :p

Saving Private Ryan
The Pianist
Pierrepoint (about the executioner from the 40s/50s)
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
Metropolis (1927?)
Forrest Gump
Das Boot
Life of Brian

think thats 10....










So many more I love...these are all more or less flawless to me. Yes, even rocky :D
I can only think of three off the top of my head.

The Green Mile
The Shawshank Redemption
Saving Private Ryan
Shawshank Redemption...

I cant list my others, you'll all think I am crazy :D
Ok then, The Lion King!

I dare anyone to not cry at the stampede scene, male or female :D
To be honest, a couple of my fave films are ones I watched as a kid, and I dont think anyone has ever heard of them :p
Italien Job-the orginal
All the Fast and Furious (that = 3 films)
Mean Machine-With Vinnie Jones
51st States
Kill Bill (That=2 films)
Gone in Sixty Seconds
Blood Simple
Dark Star
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
North By Northwest
West Side Story
The Exorcist
Breakfast at Tiffanys
The Draughtsman's Contract

Arrrghh only 10 - there are sooooo many more...
Ten is tricky, but off the top of my head

Seventh Seal
Three Colours (cheat :) )
Apocalypse Now
Clockwork Orange
Dr Strangelove
Truly, Madly, Deeply
Les Visiteur
Oh! What a lovely War

Blade runner, american beauty, Clint Eastwoods spaghettis, get carter, etc etc. all milling about for different reasons.
Should have been in my list! Damn! Superb film!

But almost impossible to get hold of. For some reason the director had it withdrawn :shrug:

I've got the soundtrack on CD but the only dvd I've been able to find is ripped from a canadian TV broadcast - never bought because it looked dire quality. There were rumours that it would be re-released, but nothing yet.
Blood Simple
Dark Star
The Draughtsman's Contract

Seen 2001 - the perfect sci-fi (well, Blade Runner came out on top in my list for sci-fi's). The other three I haven't seen, but are now on my list after checking their reviews in IMDB. (y)
Seen 2001 - the perfect sci-fi (well, Blade Runner came out on top in my list for sci-fi's). The other three I haven't seen, but are now on my list after checking their reviews in IMDB. (y)

You won't regret it Mike! 3 very different films!

Blood Simple is simply stunning, Dark Star a hoot and The Draughtsman's Contract strange and enigmatic with a great soundtrack!
In no particular order

Shawshank Redemption
Italian Job(orig)
Guns of Navarone
Life of Brian
Blues Brothers
Smokey and the Bandit

An eclectic mix :LOL:
i cant believe no one has mentioned the masterpeice that is "quad bike sluts 2"


Not really worth mentioning. Just like Chariots of Fire isn't worth mentioning - it's a given that they're timeless classics.

I mean, who hasn't seen Quad Bike Sluts 2? :exit:
Blade Runner,
Dangerous Liasons,
Night Of the Hunter,
A Taste Of Honey,
This Year's Love,
The year Of Living Dangerously,
American Psycho,

Hmm - Dangerous Liaisons. I was thinking about that movie today. Perfect S&M themed movie. I've been meaning to watch Night of the Hunter for ages, but I've only recently started watching the old classics.
Again, in no particular order...and based on the number of times watched, and urge to watch again soon...

Back To The Future
The Incredibles
Toy Story 1 and 2
Star Wars - A New Hope
Some Like It Hot
Body Heat
Oooh yeah

Back to the Future
The Karate Kid :D
Dog Soldiers
Football Factory
The Departed
Debbie Does Dallas (Teenage Learning Classic)
LOTR (All Three)
Star Wars (Any without the stupid Camel Guy. Think Binks was his name.)
Life of Brian
The Generals Daughter (heart rending betrayal)
Usual Suspects
Scariestestest, and therefore good...

28 Days Later....

Star Wars I
Star Wars II
Star Wars III
Star Wars IV
Star Wars V
Star Wars VI
Meet Joe Black
Scent of a woman
Highlander, the first movie
No particular order...

Shawshank Redemption
Forrest Gump
The Fox and the Hound (oh yeah)
The Fifth Element
Lord of the Rings Trilogy (hard to choose just one)
Die Hard
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
One Fine Day
I haven't seen a great amount of movies, but my favourite are: (probably not in a particular order)

- Stand By Me
- Donnie Darko
- Blood Diamond
- Pirates Of The Carribbean 1
- The Lion King
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Cheers Fletch, Yep Dark Star pointed me at that, also at play for 5.99.

It has been dispatched and I'm waiting for it to arrive :).
I looked for it for years, for some reason it was withdrawn and was unavailable. If you google there are loads of people trying to find it (as of a couple of years ago), then re-released just recently.

Well worth watching.

Whats the deal with the Shawshank redemption? I didn't think it was that good. :shrug: but loads of people rate it as a great film :shrug:

How about Jeunet (Amelie & Delicatessen)? or things by Tarkovsky? Or the Dogme group (eg Lars von Trier - Idiots etc)?

I'm quite surprised that a photography forum isn't throwing up more variety in terms of imagery and vision. There are some films with really astounding camera work. Where are the fans?

On the whole I think that 'mainstream' english language films are not terribly interesting - fine for chilling for an evening with a beer, but I think the european's are producing far more interesting stuff (although there is plenty of euro crap as well).
At any time I have about 50 movies in and out of my top 10.
These are are what came to mind now.

The Third Man
Seven Samurai
Citizen Kane
The Usual Suspects
The Matrix
Red River
The Maltese Falcon
The Mask of Demetrios
The Wild Bunch
Some of my favourite films, not in any order:

Lock Stock
28 Days Later
A Bridge Too Far
Cool Runnings
Saints and Soldiers
The Bucket List
Casino Royal
Hot Shots