Tour of Britain -Time Trial

Great exposures on the riders. Backgrounds are what they are - unless you are on the back of a lead motorcycle you are never going to get the killer shot. Well done.
Great shots Tony, really love the last one - back in the day I would not even have started in conditions like that.
It really brings home what a great ride by Wiggo on the day.
Really nice, well exposed and crisp set! #2 and #6 for me. I also like the way you've captured the rain.
Awesome shots - really capturing the determination and emotion on the riders...

Can really feel the twitchiness of the bike in #2, and looks like he'd already taken a spill too from the cut on his knee.
Great exposures on the riders. Backgrounds are what they are - unless you are on the back of a lead motorcycle you are never going to get the killer shot. Well done.

I wouldn't agree with that in this particular instance Adrian this is a time trial, an individual effort against the watch, photo bikes aren't allowed in front of the rider as it would give them a wind breaking effect. Strictly speaking they shouldn't even be at the side of the riders although some might try to grab a quick shot as they go past but if the commissar spots them & thinks they're tarrying too long they'll get a rocket up the jacksy.
TV bikes may be allowed to stay sideways on for short periods on wider straight roads at the commissars discretion but not if he thinks they're either helping or hindering the rider. Some snappers use the photo bikes to get to different parts of the course during the longer TT's.

Tony, I like the last picture in the rain but my favourite is the Wiggo picture with the team car & TV bike behind him.
It makes me smile when you see a lone rider concentrating on keeping the speed to the maximum almost like he's in a bubble as if there's no one else in the world & behind him is all this madness, team car, TV, commissar, & quite often in the Grand Tours a gaggle of photo bikes waiting their turn for permission to pass & get to their next photo point.:D

Thanks for the positive comments. I did my homework prior to the day, with the aid google maps etc. I chose a traffic island where the riders past after about about 10k, and then the other side of the island a few K's later, giving two bites of the cherry, so to speak. Standing on the island allowed head on shots as they swung onto the island.
Despite my best efforts, many shots were ruined by someone "suddenly appearing" in the background. Most annoying was a guy in a high viz vest that ruined what would have great images of Cavendish, Kristian House and Quintana. If he had decided to deliberately keep moving himself into shot as a rider came past, he couldn't have done a better job.
Good quality images. It's always difficult to make Time Trial images interesting. Most of the time you end up with an image of a guy on a bike in the middle of frame, with little context or drama. Image 3 is good because it gives some context and drama. 1 & 2 are good quality but 4 to 6 are just not punchy enough for me so I would ditch. 5 is a reasonable attempt at panning but needs to be sharper (its not easy, most of my panning shots I ditch!).

The good point about TT's is that you can often find spots that are just as good as the accredited togs, especially when it's raining and the crowds are thinned! Your first few images compare pretty well to Cycling Weekly's tog (Graham Watson) at todays World Champs. So keep at it.