TP Southend Meet on 10th January 2010

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Thanks to Allen for arranging this meeting. It nearly didn't go ahead, due to the weather, but I'm glad it did. It was nice to meet everyone. Commiserations to poor old Tony, who really didn't have a good day.

Here are a few shots from the day....






Nice little set there Tim...(y)..All mine are pile of poo :eek:..wont even bother posting any..:LOL:
Yes a big thanks to Allen for arranging today..Good to meet you all..;)
Nice set of photo's .I like picture 4 ,will post my pictures up later wayne.
Cheers, guys. :)

Dave, I'm sure yours aren't that bad. I wouldn't say mine are anything special but I understand there is an unwritten rule that anyone attending a meet must post at least one photo, so I thought I'd be brave and post a few.

I held back those couple of candids I took, but you might as well see how lovely you and yours looked ;)



I'm pretty certain now that Martin actually enjoyed holding the handbag. I saw him with it at least three times.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's.
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Hi Tim

Nice images and some special PS manipulation

Love the pier tower and the skull head , very well done :D

I will post some unedited images in about half and hour ;)
OK , here are my mediocre unedited images straight from the camera :D

First off , The weather was against us , but we gave it a go :D

A bit of an amazing feet , and here are mine

2 , Bus shelter

3 Through the Oblong window

Cockle rake in the snow
5 memorial in chains

6 Wooden stepped posts

9 The wet handrail

10 The day summed up
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11 Let it snow

12 Focus on branch

13 Thawing log

14 Home time

As I say , very trying condition , but a nice day out and met some new friends (y)
Hey, Allen, nice to see your pictures, and good to see those "detail" shots paying off. Perhaps a macro lens for you next time ;)

BTW, no PS involved, just Lightroom. Here are the before and after versions of the tower, and the few edits I made to achieve the effect. Basically I just tweaked the image as though for normal use and then appllied the preset and liked the result....


Here's the "skull". Just a tweak to WB, a slight crop, and a tidy up of the mouth area and a blemish above the head. I did also apply a preset, but as you see, there i not a stark difference between the before and after....


Credit to Dave for picking it up off the floor and hanging it on the wall. :)

The last one was quite a big crop, because the bird was centre frame when I shot, and then one of my "magic" presets did the rest. Just a bit of fun, really...

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really like your hover pic, so i thought id borrow the idea and apply it to one of my hover pics. :)

EDIT: this was taken on my old 300d

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Mine failed to meet my already low quality standards, and went straight in the bin. I think it would have been far better to climb inside and use a wide angle to capture the full panorama of the whole dash/cockpit and through all the windows. Standing outside and waving a 70mm lens randomly inside didn't really cut it.

If you saw us taking them, where are yours, and how come you didn't join us on the meet, or at least say "Hello"? ;)
Mine failed to meet my already low quality standards, and went straight in the bin. I think it would have been far better to climb inside and use a wide angle to capture the full panorama of the whole dash/cockpit and through all the windows. Standing outside and waving a 70mm lens randomly inside didn't really cut it.

If you saw us taking them, where are yours, and how come you didn't join us on the meet, or at least say "Hello"? ;)

To be honest, i didn't realise you guys were from here, i just saw a glimpse of a talk photography camera strap as you were leaving. I couldn't come as i was out on exercise on the hovercraft :wave:
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yeah ill have to keep an eye out for the next meet. unfortunately RNLI policy is that no one other than casualties or emergency services on board. Health and safety madness, however, if you just happened to be walking out on the mud on a rising tide............... joke!