weekly TP52 2015 by Mardybum - Week 1 - Bliss added

Mate, I'm not even home yet, and when I do finally get home I've got a pin board to fit and some tiles to lay before my lovely wife (incase she reads this) lets me anywhere near my laptop......... I should manage to do it before midnight....


Looking forward to it and it keeping my eye out for the March meet (y) but I've gotta get the NMA meet out of the way...when I tell Jackie :)... Before I mention the March meet :whistle:

BTW, what the chuff is a pin board :)

I thought of a few ways that I could interpret the theme Bliss, but the one thing that came to mind that happened recently was an evening while we were away over the new year at a lodge site called Paradise Lake. This image was taken while we were sat on the veranda, wrapped up warm, Anya in bed, me and the wife, bottle of wine, Silence, stargazing.......... BLISS !View attachment 28579