Tried light painting again this morning

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1. Mussenden Temple in N.Ireland this morning during the best break in the clouds in a 2 hour period. Had originally set out for star trails but the clouds wouldn't play ball.

mussenden1 by phil1l, on Flickr

2. Downhill Demesne which is 18th century mansion of earl Bishop. Clouds again were terrible. The temple above was his library.

downhill demense by phil1l, on Flickr

Do these look ok or am I doing this all wrong?
Both were taken using a 21 LED hand held torch. What would be a good reasonably priced alternative which would fit into my slingshot?

Thanks, Phil
I'm no expert by any strectch!

But to me the buildings don't seem light enough to make it obvious that you were light painting them!

I would try a flash gun if you have one or maybe invest in a more powerful torch!

Still like them though!
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But to me the buildings don't seem light enough to make it obvious that you were light painting them!

Thanks for the suggestion Simon, I will keep an eye out for a better light source. Just to show, the photo below was with no light on it......I am trying!

Yea,you can see the difference!

I think the idea with these kind of shots is to get a correct exposure on what you are light painting using your light source and not the ambient light!