Trip to Rajasthan

Nice collection of images and I prefer the colour shot from #1. Very minor point about the top of his headgear being lopped off.

#3 could do with a lift to the skin tones. Don't know how you process to B&W but if you have colour sliders, pushing red and yellow up a bit might brighten things. Of course you might be going for the dark look (contrasting with his white clothes) in which case I'll shut up. This is perhaps the best of the three for me. The smoke and the fly on the shoulder really add something to the shot. Definitely a moment.

#4 has a bit of dead space at the top of the image there. Maybe cropping out that white bit would help.

Either way, you have a lovely series of portraits there with great expressions and a real capture of the personality. Nice & sharp too with lots of detail.

Great work Neale.
