Tropical Butterfly house for hire

Wanted to show you the new arrival in my tropical house, the king of all moths :), the Atlas moth and got a couple of new guests too
Stunning wing detail on those Amin....
Indeed Mark, the Atlas moth is one of the most stinkingly beautiful moths and the sheer size of it is amazing.
Here is one next to my 70-200mm lens

How could anyone NOT want to photograph those ?
These are stunningly beautiful creatures indeed, 4 of them hatched and they are all males and have very striking and vibrant colours. Unfortunately they do not live long, just 5 to 7 days
Hi Amin, I've only just joined the site so don't have access to the conversations thingy yet but I'm really interested in your butterfly house. Could you send an email to please and we can have a chat? Many thanks :)