Trying something new - first ever HDR

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Normally I'm very much in the "natural" camp when it comes to landscape photography but I'm always willing to give something a try and having seen the results in the "Lakes" thread created by Vulcan I thought it's about time I at least gave HDR a try - this is the first one, processed in Photomatix


Simon thats amazing for your first HDR. i have been trying, one word thou about my efforts PANTS :)
How many photos did you use and did you shoot the different exposures or taken from one photo?

Well done i love it (y)
loving the HDR effect on your watermark.
This was really just an experiment to see how Photomatix worked so the image is made up of 3 different exposures from the same raw file - I tried it with a few shots but this was the only one that really seemed to work for me - despite been keen on natural landscapes I'm certainly going to experiment further with HDR, nothing wrong in having another string your bow!!
I love this, especially that it's come from a single RAW. The lighthouse doesn't look to be in clear focus though?
Love it. Great shot, well done.
I really like this, the more I see these HDR shots the more I want to take the plunge and have a go
thats really good, works well i have been playing with hdr and not managed to achieve anything nearly as effective as this so a big thumbs up for your first attempt!