Tutorial on backlighting

I'd just like to say thanks to Garry for the time, effort and knowledge which goes into producing these tutorials. There's always something I've learned from each of them.
Having read quite a few, I thought it about time I expressed my appreciation.
Long may they continue.
Thanks Garry, top stuff.
Cheers for this Gary, I've just been asked to do some photos of a handmade childs stool and was wondering how to best light it.

The equipment I have to use is:

3 studio lights
1 Yongnuo yn568ex speedlite
90x60 softbox
120cm octabox
160x35 strip light
80cm octabox for the speedlite
Shoot through umbrella for the speedlite
various light stands
boom arm (heavy weight)
110cm reflector and holder
background will be a 6x7 hilite and train (white)

I'm thinking octabox above on the boom, 90x60 softbox to the front left, reflector as some fill for the right, then the extra studio light and speedlite to light the hilite???

There's six different coloured stools, so aiming for a panoramic composite of all 6???

Opinions or alternative lighting accepted :)
