Edit My Images
Re edit from a trackday a while back, not really what Id call a motorsport shot so thought they should be in here. C&C always welcome :)

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Steve (y)
don't like the first one because of the ps on it. The wheels aren't right, the blur on the barrier is going at a funny angle, just doesn't look right.

2nd one is alot nicer although I can't decide if I like the added blur or not.
cheers for the comments (y) ive redone the wheels on the tvr but as the link is the same name it doesnt show until you properly refresh. This shot was originally at 1/250 as i wanted the tvr to be tack sharp. The motion blur is in the direction that would a real pan would have given, i.e. the motion follows the car not the barriers. Agree the 1st edit didnt look quite right, with the wheels done its getting there, its not perfect but its 10 times better than the original so im happy with that. Never really used ps to such an extent on a car photo before, definately a marmite subject, them that arent in the know like it, the purists however tend to hate it.
cheers Steve (y)