Two bridges between Devon and Cornwall

Its a shame about the shadow in the image but I think its a great picture, well exposed.
It's often better to shoot at dusk to get some colour in the sky. Deep blue or purple. Trouble is that you have to be everywhere at once during the short ideal period.
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Agree about the shadow as it was the first thing I noticed .Plus , maybe framed more to the left and lost the boats on land as there also a bit of a distraction but this only my opinion but I like the rest of the picture .
Yes. you could do a Heal selection and remove it. Although a bit of lightening would be enough.
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I like this shot of the Tamar bridge David, just need to addrress the shadow as mentioned above, either crop the dead space or one of the methods mentioned above. I think the starbursts of the lighting on the bridge looks great. I like the silhouette of the bridge against the fleeting clouds and the pin pricks of light from rail bridge just visible underneath. Also great pools of light reflected across the Tamar from Barton, Plymouth. Nicely exposed IMHO. I guess that is the street lighting nailing you from behind and lighting the boat hulls? I actually think that quite effective.
Just kill that shadow and your sorted!
Nice work David