UK drone users face safety tests and flight restrictions

Responsible owners will take the test and register - but they are the responsible ones anyway, so nothing will change.
Irresponsible owners likely won't bother, or even if they do, they are unlikely to abide by the conditions, so nothing will change.

Same as driving a car - if you ever watch the 'police stop' type programmes, the typical punishment for driving without a licence is a ban. Go figure.
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What a load of rubbish. Honestly if you're a responsible person then you probably already adhere to the rules and regulations and will happily oblige the online tests. Perhaps they should ask everyone who buys one to register in the first place and then forward on details when they sell them, although like everything else, its probably easy to bypass.
This will change absolutely nothing and put an additional financial overhead on drone-flying, and it's most likely going to need to be renewed every year or couple of years.

This will change absolutely nothing and put an additional financial overhead on drone-flying, and it's most likely going to need to be renewed every year or couple of years.


I would disagree, at least now when some idiot with a drone does something stupid with it there's a law with teeth to actually punish them.

Users who fail to adhere to the flight restrictions could face unlimited fines, up to five years in prison, or both.

Owners of drones over 250g, who do not register with the CAA or complete the safety test, could be fined up to £1,000.
How? it's the idiots that do stupid things that don't register so how does the law find the idiot to punish them?

They found the muppets who overflew the nuke submarine base and the football stadiums, as 2 examples.

Now instead of just a fine, irresponsible drone flyers can be sent to jail.
Personally, I don't mind registering or taking a test, as long as it's not going to cost me money.

I despise being taxed because of inconsiderate c***s

This, exactly this! I'm fine with registering and a test if theres no cost, but it's unlikely to be free.

And to be honest, I see this as a way of the government making more money rather than a safety issue...

If the registration and test costs then my DJI will be sold, current government screwups are hammering my finances as it is!
How? it's the idiots that do stupid things that don't register so how does the law find the idiot to punish them?

There are systems on the market that can not only locate even quite small drones but also locate the user. These are beginning to be deplaoyed at major airports around Europe and security staff will be given the powers to detain the pilots until the police arive to arrest them.
There are systems on the market that can not only locate even quite small drones but also locate the user. These are beginning to be deplaoyed at major airports around Europe and security staff will be given the powers to detain the pilots until the police arive to arrest them.

So registration is pointless then.