UK Server Costs!

UPTO five IP addresses. Is that not 1 and the others on request? If so you might have to explain the reason after making the request. My provider only charges 1 euro for another IP address and I just clicked on it and requested 2 more. It was only then that they asked why. This is happening across the board with lots of providers now. There is a worldwide issue in relation to lack of available IP addresses.

The faq says:

How many IPs do I get?

Each server is installed with 5 unique IPs, the first is installed and the other four you can allocate from your Tagadab control panel. If you need any more than that you just need to email us requesting more and telling us why you need them. There is no additional charge for IPs.

I've just looked at my control panel and it's a simple case of selecting 1 to 4 extra IPs then clicking "add"

ie it says " You currently have 1 IPv4 IP Address.
You can add up to 4 more. How many would you like to add?"

There is also a handy tool for setting up your own reverse IP for each address as well.
The faq says:

How many IPs do I get?

Each server is installed with 5 unique IPs, the first is installed and the other four you can allocate from your Tagadab control panel. If you need any more than that you just need to email us requesting more and telling us why you need them. There is no additional charge for IPs.

I've just looked at my control panel and it's a simple case of selecting 1 to 4 extra IPs then clicking "add"

ie it says " You currently have 1 IPv4 IP Address.
You can add up to 4 more. How many would you like to add?"

There is also a handy tool for setting up your own reverse IP for each address as well.

This was the contents of their email back to me:

for this purpose you can't get an additional IP.
This purpose is not in accordance with RIPE guidelines.

Yours sincerely,

Hetzner Online AG
Stuttgarter Str. 1
91710 Gunzenhausen
Tel: +49 [0] 9831 61006-1
Fax: +49 [0] 9831 61006-2

So your provider is not following RIPE guidelines.... It's not your fault but they should be doing.
In fact having just clicked on the link in my own post it would appear that they are offering VPSs for 7.9 euros or about £6 per month..........

That's not bad value.
It's ok unless you need any kind of commercial admin panel. Cpanel is another £20 odd a month. Never used webmin so don't know whether it is decent or Mickey Mouse.
This was the contents of their email back to me:

for this purpose you can't get an additional IP.
This purpose is not in accordance with RIPE guidelines.

Yours sincerely,

Hetzner Online AG
Stuttgarter Str. 1
91710 Gunzenhausen
Tel: +49 [0] 9831 61006-1
Fax: +49 [0] 9831 61006-2

So your provider is not following RIPE guidelines.... It's not your fault but they should be doing.

I thought a /29 is the smallest subnet that can be assigned which gives 5 usable IP addresses and 3 non-usable IP adresses.

My ADSL ISP normally assigns a /29 to all customers, and then you can ask for a larger allocation if you outgrow the /29.
Never got on with Webmin, always paid the extra for cPanel/WHM
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It's ok unless you need any kind of commercial admin panel. Cpanel is another £20 odd a month. Never used webmin so don't know whether it is decent or Mickey Mouse.

I pay for the server CGeezer pays for WHM and we share the package between us.
Yes. But you are with A&A and have no bandwidth with which to use them... ;)

My block of 8 IP addresses were a one off charge (which was actually waived). As was my static main IP (which I have additional, and was again waived). What I pay for is a totally unmetered, totally unrestricted link. In the last 3 weeks (since my router was last rebooted) I have moved 300GB of data. Most of that is backups. How much would that have cost with your provider?

I'm also with A&A and also have a /28, if I needed to download 400GB of data per month either I'd go elsewhere, or schedule big downloads between 2am and 6am, during which time I get 2TB/month of download allowance.

As it stands on my package, which is the minimum download allowance package, I'm limited to 100GB of download per month during evenings & weekends. I use about 10% of that.

tbh, if I needed 100GB / week of throughput to my home for work related tasks, I'd be telling my employer to pay for the install cost a private circuit and relevant backhaul with a proper SLA and uptime guarantees and not using DSL at all.
tbh, if I needed 100GB / week of throughput to my home for work related tasks, I'd be telling my employer to pay for the install cost a private circuit and relevant backhaul with a proper SLA and uptime guarantees and not using DSL at all.
The 100G a week is my own and is mostly upload (just finished uploading another 34G last night). I'm on FTTC and I wouldn't have my place of work anywhere near my broadband connection!

I'm happy to pay for a service that is unmetered, unrestricted, unmanaged and reliable (or it has been so far). I still haven't got around to starting to use the external IPs....
The 100G a week is my own and is mostly upload (just finished uploading another 34G last night). I'm on FTTC and I wouldn't have my place of work anywhere near my broadband connection!

I'm happy to pay for a service that is unmetered, unrestricted, unmanaged and reliable (or it has been so far). I still haven't got around to starting to use the external IPs....

Ah, well A&A don't care how much you upload (I did notice you used "move" rather than "download" earlier, which prevented giving an accurate answer as to cost). You have a solution that works for you though, so it's of no moment.

I use almost all of my IPv4 addresses, but I have had them for best part of a decade.
I use almost all of my IPv4 addresses, but I have had them for best part of a decade.
I know this is going OT, but why expose stuff directly to the internet? Whenever I need local access, I just use a VPN tunnel and get in that way. Any parts of machines that I do need access to are just port forwarded through the firewall so I know what is going in and out.

Other than web, ftp and mailservers (which are just a few ports), there can't be too much more you want to expose.
I just have shared hosting with Vidahost, but it's about £3 a month and does the job for me. Their support is superb.

They have some dedicated stuff too

I'd also plumb a +1 for Vidahost. cPanel comes as standard and their support has been excellent for an idiot like me. Quick response and the ability to understand what it is I want.

I also have a 10% hosting discount if you want to PM me for details.

I only expose those IP address / port combinations to incoming traffic that I want exposed, just because the addresses are routeable does not mean that my devices are any more exposed than I want them to be.
I run multiple sites & domains out of my onesizefitsall account at unlimitedwebhosting. Totally unlimited domains/websites/emails/disk space/bandwidth/SQL etc.... £3.30 per month.

Sometimes a bit slow the first time it is accessed, but then I'm only paying £3.30/month....

Going to give these guys a test run, I was put off by the blurb talking about Plesk but they have confirmed that they do cPanel so at £3 a month with 30-day trial we'll see what they are like.
Maybe that can take all my stuff or maybe they can deal with the small stuff making it cheaper to re-house the more intensive.
Going to give these guys a test run,
I'm only running a couple of sites off there at the moment. If you want to try and judge what a small site is like for access times (there's only a dozen or so pages, but it is on one of their servers) see:

BTW: they have some scheduled downtime starting tomorrow evening for 6 hours on some of their servers.

Also, their tech support has generally been very good - and mails tend to get answered instantly - even at 2am.

It is cheap and will be a different experience to a dedicated PS....
I only expose those IP address / port combinations to incoming traffic that I want exposed, just because the addresses are routeable does not mean that my devices are any more exposed than I want them to be.
So what's the advantage then? (not trying to be picky, just trying to understand your reasoning as I have 8 IPs here I could use).
I'm only running a couple of sites off there at the moment. If you want to try and judge what a small site is like for access times (there's only a dozen or so pages, but it is on one of their servers) see:

BTW: they have some scheduled downtime starting tomorrow evening for 6 hours on some of their servers.

Also, their tech support has generally been very good - and mails tend to get answered instantly - even at 2am.

It is cheap and will be a different experience to a dedicated PS....

Thanks ... I've signed up but I'm wondering if I am under a misapprehension - all of my existing domains are with one registrar and I don't want to move them ... at the moment I can't see how I can host them with unlimited without doing that as I can't see a way of adding accounts for additional domains that are already registered elsewhere.
Look in your control panel for Add On Domains, this is where you would add your domains.

You would also need to change the DNS (name servers) to that provided to you by the new host for each domain you wish to move before you add it as an add on domain
Thanks ... I've signed up but I'm wondering if I am under a misapprehension - all of my existing domains are with one registrar and I don't want to move them ... at the moment I can't see how I can host them with unlimited without doing that as I can't see a way of adding accounts for additional domains that are already registered elsewhere.
Domains are separate from the hosting (or they should be).

Log in - you should get a Plesk Parallels screen.

At the top, is a line that reads

Domains 0 view | create | stats

Just create the domain and point your registrars DNS record at the DNS servers for UWH.
So what's the advantage then? (not trying to be picky, just trying to understand your reasoning as I have 8 IPs here I could use).

Some stuff doesn't work over NAT - not so much nowadays, but a lot of things broke a decade ago. Some remote desktop things that establish a direct connection between the two machines definitely still do break, in one case I ended up running a packet sniffer at my end looking at the packets from the client and they were arriving with an originating address of - that's never going to work, for obvious reasons.

Port forwarding doesn't solve all problems for external access. You can't serve two secure websites from a single public IP address, at least not both on the default port, nor can you run two separate public facing MTAs (e.g. provide both promary and secondary MX records), or indeed two of anything else where the remote client will expect the server to be listening on a particular port that doesn't have an equivalent of Name Based Virtual Hosting like in HTTP/1.1.

More obscurely, you can't use custom transport layer protocols through NAT (I get up to some weird stuff at times), nor application layer protocols if they have a separate control connection that is used to specify a dynamic data port connection.

All stuff I have run into in the last 15 years, although I appreciate many of them would not affect most people.
No I've got the cPanel option so Plesk doesn't apply ... have emailed them a couple of times so hopefully they will respond at some stage.

I thought I might get some sort of welcome/activation email re nameservers etc but not yet anyway.
No I've got the cPanel option so Plesk doesn't apply ... have emailed them a couple of times so hopefully they will respond at some stage.

I thought I might get some sort of welcome/activation email re nameservers etc but not yet anyway.
You sure you don't have a filter that is putting their stuff in spam? It's never taken them more than a couple of minutes to respond to any queries I've had. I also had a welcome mail which told me which nameservers to use.

Having said that, they are doing a big migration tonight, so response may be a bit slow...
All stuff I have run into in the last 15 years, although I appreciate many of them would not affect most people.
No... I'd say 99.9% of people wouldn't come across those ;) I've been thinking about running a MTA, but just can't see the point these days - my web hosting provider does that for me and there's always cheap VPS' (thanks to this thread, I'm, looking at purchasing a cheap VPS to play with).
You sure you don't have a filter that is putting their stuff in spam? It's never taken them more than a couple of minutes to respond to any queries I've had. I also had a welcome mail which told me which nameservers to use.

Having said that, they are doing a big migration tonight, so response may be a bit slow...

Nope, I had an email confirming the cPanel option then the notification that my payment had been accepted and then ... nothing!
Nope, I had an email confirming the cPanel option then the notification that my payment had been accepted and then ... nothing!

Do you have a mail starting something like:

Thank you for your order from us!

Your hosting account has now been setup and this email contains all the information you will need in order to begin using your account.
Yes got that and I can login to an Account page but there's no useful information/links to allow me to set anything up as far as I can see - I certainly have no nameserver IP information for example.
Yes got that and I can login to an Account page but there's no useful information/links to allow me to set anything up as far as I can see - I certainly have no nameserver IP information for example.
The nameserver IP is given to you in your mail and you don't need to enter it into cpanel.

What you need to do is:

  • Go into cPanel and create a domain - this will also ask for passwords to setup your ftp account where you can upload files...
  • Go to your domain registrar and point the nameservers for the domain at the UWH nameservers
  • Wait up to 2 days for it to propagate (if you use a little used site, it is pretty much instantaneous)
I don't have any UWH nameservers or IP addresses to use - it's not in the email with the account login and any other email is just Paypal/Invoice/Thanks.
I don't have any UWH nameservers or IP addresses to use - it's not in the email with the account login and any other email is just Paypal/Invoice/Thanks.

Is there not a section in the mail that says:

Server Information

Server Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Server IP:

If you are using an existing domain with your new hosting account but not migrating it to us, you will need to update the nameservers to point to the nameservers listed below.

Nameserver 1:
Nameserver 2:

Or something like that? You need to enter the nameservers listed there in your domain registrars nameserver table for each domain you want to host there.
I've want to learn how to run a server for my own web sites, never had time to learn tho...

So kept with cheapo £20 year stuff :)
Yes. But you are with A&A and have no bandwidth with which to use them... ;)

My block of 8 IP addresses were a one off charge (which was actually waived). As was my static main IP (which I have additional, and was again waived). What I pay for is a totally unmetered, totally unrestricted link. In the last 3 weeks (since my router was last rebooted) I have moved 300GB of data. Most of that is backups. How much would that have cost with your provider?

A&A only charge for download data, so to move 300GB to a remote server (eg backing up a local machine) would cost nothing. It would cost £3.90 to download 1000GB data during the cheapest time of 2am-6pm (eg a scheduled download), but during normal off peak hours (ie evenings & weekends) it costs £3.90 per 50GB so I would avoid doing massive downloads at those times. Peak daytime download is expensive unless you go for the "home::1" tarrif, but I mainly download during offpeak hours so not too much of a worry for me.
A&A only charge for download data, so to move 300GB to a remote server (eg backing up a local machine) would cost nothing. It would cost £3.90 to download 1000GB data during the cheapest time of 2am-6pm (eg a scheduled download), but during normal off peak hours (ie evenings & weekends) it costs £3.90 per 50GB so I would avoid doing massive downloads at those times. Peak daytime download is expensive unless you go for the "home::1" tarrif, but I mainly download during offpeak hours so not too much of a worry for me.
I download at all times - day and night as I work from home. I can often download several DVDs of system images (e.g. FreeBSD 9.1 is 3+G) in a day if I'm trying something out. Given I'm on an 80/20 FTTC package - I'd also have to pay A&As premium £12/month which takes the base package to £42 for FTTC with 2 units of data (2.5G and 50G). Looking at my router (now up for 24 days) I've downloaded 100G of data and uploaded 235G of data - and I've had a quiet month when it comes to downloads.

When you do the maths, my "expensive" BB (at least, I assume it was me you were referring to with "It seems odd having to pay a premium for a block of IP addresses") is actually pretty good value and I don't have to worry about when I schedule things for up or download - which is cool if someone who doesn't really understand what a gigabyte is wants to stream something from iplayer or youtube at 4pm after coming home from school.... :)

I guess what I'm saying is I just see A&A as about the most expensive way imaginable to get a decent internet connection (I don't doubt they are very good, but then so are Clara.Net). Whilst they may provide a block of IP addresses for free, it costs an arm and a leg if you actually want to use the network! It's a bit like a mobile phone provider giving you the latest iPhone for free then charging £45/month contract.... Plus, in reality, a block of static IPs is pretty much useless to the average punter (I haven't even found a need to use one of mine yet - and I'm starting to run inter-site VPNs which is way beyond what most people will ever do...).

On looking at the A&A Home::1 package, it seems I could get the package I'm on for £60/month (£25 Home::1, £15 80/20 FTTC, £20 for 250G down/month). It comes with 1 static IP and a /48 IPv6. So... just about the same as me (I pay £55) but I have no limits....

Fair enough - that's more like it (but why lumber yourself with download limits if you don't have to ;))
Well I have mine with Compila that have many packages £13.99 starter to £89.99 per YEAR for a Pro a/c
The Pro a/c is unlimited and unmetered as well.

The cost is per year not month How is it a rip off in Britian?

Take a look here Compila
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Well I have mine with Compila that have many packages £13.99 starter to £89.99 per YEAR for a Pro a/c
The Pro a/c is unlimited and unmetered as well.

The cost is per year not month How is it a rip off in Britian?

I think the thread suffers from a little misunderstanding of the difference between a dedicated or VPS server and standard hosting.
I think the thread suffers from a little misunderstanding of the difference between a dedicated or VPS server and standard hosting.
And the advantage for the likes of a photographer?
May be if you have a large company but other wise I can not see why you would need one.
Depends what you use it for and how reliable you want it to be - if I was just using it to host a few pics I wouldn't be wanting a dedicated or VPS.
It's not only large companies that want the flexibility of a server.