Ultima GTR - Revisited

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Had a second shoot with the Ultima GTR last night, there are quite a few in the set so I will update this thread as and when they pop out the other side of the PP Conveyor belt..

#1 - I'll start with the teaser - "Coming Soon"


#2 - Smokey Road

#3 - 1m Firewall + smoke

#4 - There's something outside....

#5 - Working with highlights and shadows.

#6 - #5 plus fire & smoke.

Ultima GTR - Fire Painted by vanelder, on Flickr
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Now you're just teasing !!! Get those images processed and on here, I need to see them !!!! ;)

I like that, takes a second to realise that theres trees in the background and not lightning bolts ! I think you need to PP the hell out of this and add some lightning ! And sparks and flames ! :D
I've been looking into buying a smoke machine, but I think a low fog machine is what I want.
A little pricier, but worth it. Saves me making smoke bombs all the time.

Great pic by the way Barry. I can't wait to see the rest.
I've been looking into buying a smoke machine, but I think a low fog machine is what I want.
A little pricier, but worth it. Saves me making smoke bombs all the time.

Great pic by the way Barry. I can't wait to see the rest.

You could get both, in a DIY sort of way..

If you get a plastic tube (drain pipe), put a grill on one end, fill it with Ice then spray the fog down it you will find the coldness will keep the fog low for sometime - there are drwa backs, ice melts and water start dripping all over - how do you get ICE to your location etc... but, it's an option :D

Thanks guys, im working through the rest now, hopefully one will be ready soon.
Thanks all,

It's funny the first image was throw together in a couple minutes for my Facebook page, "coming soon" - it will get a re-edit as there are a few things to improve.

Still working through the 7 other shots for this shoot, slowly slowly :)
nice work love 2&3 car porn all the way, should be on a wall
The 1m firewall makes so much more sense than the bigger ones I've seen, aesthetically speaking- also helped by lighting the car in the fire shot.

Great job throughout.