Under The Bridge - two versions, but which looks best (or least bad!)

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Hi all

I took this photo to go in a local photography competition where the theme is 'bridges'. I am quite happy with the composition, but am uncertain about which version I like best, the black and white or the colour version. Using basic editing, I have kept the colour of the Herring Gull in the B & W version, in the colour version I have just used a little saturation.

Any thoughts appreciated, including how I might improve it using Photoshop, which I am still a beginner with!


Under The Bridge B & W by rusticalex, on Flickr

Under The Bridge Colour by rusticalex, on Flickr
I prefer the colour version.

There is one thing I would do on both shots though...clone the seagull out. He's a wee bit too distracting for me.
I prefer the colour version.

There is one thing I would do on both shots though...clone the seagull out. He's a wee bit too distracting for me.

I prefer the colour one. The mono one looks flat in comparison.

If you'd started this thread as a Poll, probably more people would vote. All they would have to do is click a button rather than come in here to post. Just my 5p-worth...
Colour for me, but you gotta lose the Gull.
Personally, i think the Gull in the first shot looks super imposed and distracts from the rest of the shot. There also appears to be a blueish halo especially on the right side of its head that could be a result of processing?

Overall though, i prefer the color version
The 2nd one for me, the colour leads to show it is under a bridge, whereas for me the first one does not.
Colour. But I would suggest that if you are going to do any PP work at all it would be to tone down the gull a tad. It needs to be there but shouldn't be dominating the photo.
Don't others think having the gull gives a focus point? otherwise its just looking down a tunnel.

Don't others think having the gull gives a focus point? otherwise its just looking down a tunnel.


I find the gull really distracting and I end up ignoring the rest of the shot because I'm looking at that darn bird! LOL!
i agree that taking the bird out would be a good idea bur i reckon the black and white is better, if you put a bit of an S curve on it to pump up the contrast, all the textures from the collumns will look much better
Sorry its taken me so long to respond, but thank you for all the feedback. The gull seems unpopular on here and amongst my family, apart from my 5 yr old and I who both quite like it in the photo!

Anyway, I took a few other shots that day, so have included a couple more without gull and in colour, so please feel free to make any further comments, as I gain a lot from other people's advice (most of the time, anyway!!).

UTB1 by rusticalex, on Flickr

UTB2 by rusticalex, on Flickr