Uninspired - do I need a new camera?

Hi FitP

Well, well, well, what do we have here then...?

I guess the only person who knows what's best for you FitP, is you...! You know what you like shooting, looking at, composing for. However... if you always do what you did, you'll always get what you got... so come on, snap out of photographers' 'writers block'.

Get out with your friends and family, look around, maybe try something new/different/imaginative, and grab those shots. You've got the weather for it for several weeks now so I hear.

Oh, and if I were you... I'd grab that D700 in the blink of an eye, and make use of it whilst on the path to that D3 you yearn for... :)

When I get into a stage where my brains stop working (happens a lot with old-age); I book a nice get-away from one of the locations on Unique Homes ... gives me a lot of inspirations and rejuvenates me .. it's also, probably, cheaper than buying something new :shrug: