Uploading to Facebook.

Edit My Images
Help needed.

When I went to upload some pics to Facebook, the drive where the folders are stored only showed 5 folders when there are roughly about 17.

When I go into the folders through the normal route they are still there only to disappear when I go through the Facebook route.

Anyone any ideas?

Are they all the same file type? I would imagine fb uploaded would ignore any files it isn't sure about
I think possibly FB may only recognise jpeg files. Are your pics a mix of jpeg + raw's?
You can upload RAW files via Iphoto and aperture although im not sure if these programs make a jpeg automatically to upload.
when I upload stuff on fb, I sometimes have to switch the browser to be successful. Maybe that might help too.
Can't help with the original question, but oddly enough I've found that uploading to fb from my MacBook has become a massive ball ache recently: it hangs for ages and often needs 3 or 4 attempts to work. I can transfer the same files to my ipad and upload them in seconds. I wonder whether fb have changed the photo uploader in some way that doesn't agree with my laptop.