USA Olympic diving team

that first shot is perfectly timed(y)

the backgrounds spoil it though for me which is a shame,they are all a bit too busy and distracting the 5th pic would of been better if you had been a step to the left IMO her left foot is covering her face and the last pic is a split second too early

the expression on her face in the 3rd picture shows how hard she is trying to hold the tuck, another great capture(y)
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Good efforts Tom, nice to see some different sports on here.
Wow look at that expression in your last pic! Perfectly sums up the intensity of an olympian!

As Dave says I'm not normally into sports either but loving these

Great set (y)
Fantastic captures but I agree I would have like to see less background detail too. No5 just makes me chuckle.
Not into sports or limprics, but these are nice shots, so Ive commented credit where its due, can appreciate a good shot :clap:, shame #5 just a tad higher (ie above the text) that would be a good seller