User Name - What's The history?

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When I browse this forum I am often intrigued by some of the user names and the history behind them/why they were chosen.

Some are more obvious than others, for instance mine is simply my name, others are not so obvious.

So what's the history behind your user name? Why did you choose it and what does it mean, if anything, to you?

I can't entertain you with wild and raucous reasons for my username - Buck is simply part of my surname.
My Surname is Jerrard-Dinn.

I'm dead posh like ;)

'Dinners' was my nickname at infant school and it stuck through primary, secondary, college, Uni - and I just ran with it.
Mine is because if effin well is ok. Not that it's any of your bloody business. You have a problem with that????:D
Mine simply describes my behaviour when I have a camera in my hand.

Note to self ..... SLOW. DOWN. ..... :)
When I signed up, photography as a hobby was new to me and looking at some of my photos, it looks like it still is :D
When I browse this forum I am often intrigued by some of the user names and the history behind them/why they were chosen.

Some are more obvious than others, for instance mine is simply my name, others are not so obvious.

So what's the history behind your user name? Why did you choose it and what does it mean, if anything, to you?


Here's the last thread about this.
A good few years ago I wanted a name for online FPS gaming. I'm interested in all wildlife but probably birds more than anything else.
As a kid one of the first non garden bird I saw was a Redshank, and Tringa is the genus name for the redshank (and a number of other waders). Given my avatar perhaps I should have chosen Capra.

When I was in Roundtable we did an event where we all had to have logo'd shirts with a nickname. B is for big and BR my initials.

Unfortunately the 'big' relates to my waist and height and not necessarily to anything else....
Mine is pretty meaningless... I want to register a domain with an 'interesting' name and found that was available (which I haven't uploaded anything to an a couple of years!). This was happening at the same time I registered here. Wish I used something a bit shorter / more normal, I feel weird when people call me rapscallion!
Branding.............. I needed a name nobody else was using.. I wanted short as possible.. I literally sat down wiht pen and paper and mixed a few words and letters and came up wiht KIPAX ... that was oh.. can't remeber how many yrs ago.. I now use KIPAX for all messagboards, social media.. credits.... I am fairly well knownfor photogrpahy in my home town and surrounding areas but everyone thinks my name is kipax.. thats what everyone calls me to my face...I have spent yrs getting the name known and the only way is to use it... I dont believe in name-photogrpahy as a requirement.. look at elephant insurance or asda even.. name doesnt have to mean anyhting.. its the way you promote it that counts... Mine seems to have worked..
Mines just my name and my motorbike that I rebuilt
Yamaha LC 350 and Pete
Mine is bloody obvious... though what many won't know is I started as Lady Lens, waaaaaaaay back in the mists of TP time, just seemed appropriate for a photography forum.

Wow! I'd totally forgetten you were Lady Lens!
Mine's dead boring...... My name is Russ and I was born in 1977
Mine was who I had been working for years, going to be a bit stuck when I start my new job in a couple of weeks, after nearly a decade of working with Nissan Uk will be moving over to Mitsi...
Mine stem from a paragliding accident years ago. Resulting in broken bones and a nice ride in the rescue helicopter

Just as a bit of trivia...Asda as a name is an amalgamation of the companies Asquiths and Associated Dairies who merged to form it.
I've been using Ancient Mariner for almost as long as I've been on the internet. It came about from wanting a name on a mountainbike forum: I was riding an old Marin and wasn't particularly young compared to most of the other guys there. It also appealed to classical poetry side with possible references to albatrosses. I've also used the handles Major Lee Pizdov and Rod_Brake at times.
I have a big soft moose - hes on the right in my avatar picture. I picked it for my first googlemail address (which is now defunct so don't all rush to send me fan mail/death threats) and followed from there as a forum handle... except for on WAB where I was "Eeyore" because originally they had a limit on length of user name and big soft moose didnt fit
@Keith W You even participated in the last thread of this type! :LOL:
favourite actor ,danny kaye ,favourite film "the court jester" :wacky:
When I first found the forum you could view most of the sub-forums without signing up. I was just looking at the images - not taking photos.
Then the rules changed and you had to sign up to view some of the sub-forums. Hence the name justlooking.

I do take pictures now but don't think I have uploaded any since they re-jigged the forum and I lost my 52 challenge images .. so I am back to mainly just looking.
My name is Harry Worth. I don't why, but there it is.
nothing exciting about mine, just a normal Welsh way of addressing me.

My ebay user name (legacy-of-prophets) however began as a gaming tag from MSN when I was a kid and wanted something that sounded really mysterious.
I'm an 18 yo female fashion and glamour model.
I find it useful to pretend to be a male semi-retired plumber, especially when I play the Devil's Advocate.
I'm an 18 yo female fashion and glamour model.
I find it useful to pretend to be a male semi-retired plumber, especially when I play the Devil's Advocate.

I knew it!!!!