Using one light on a hi key background

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Hi all
I am using a Hi key translucent back ground with one strob behind it pointing up and 2 soft boxes in the front. The reason for this is I want to shoot kids and avoid additional lights being seen by the kids. Will this work ? I sort of got the idea from lastolite hi light box where they put a stobe at the back. But I can't afford £250 at this point so I have this hi key translucent back ground or I have some muslin cloth ? Any ideas ?
Personally I would have 2 lights on the background to provide a more even spread and have one keylight at the front
You need to throw a lot of light forward which will likely also cause flare. Once you angle the background head, you lose the evenness.

The Hilight allows the lights to face inwards at an angle which removes a lot of the issues from flare.

I use 2 lights for the background, a main light and a fill light when shooting like that.