Vero - share your account

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Now activity on Vero finally seems to be picking up I thought it would be great to have a thread where we can share our user names and what type of genres we're likely to post so we can find new accounts to follow and hopefully grow the Vero community into a great photography sharing platform.
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Folks, I think it might work better if these account id's were shared in your signatures rather than a dedicated thread that will probably fall off the page eventually, like people do with their Flickr accounts?
Tell me why I should be interested in Vero, I use Flickr and of course TP?

@gramps - if you were a user of Instagram, myself and many other people have been becoming increasingly frustrated with its attempts to morph into a TikTok clone, becoming less about photography and still pictures and more about video clips. It also had lots of intrusive adverts and suggested followers which diluted your curated feed. Vero is like Instagram was before they added video.

Ummmm...... Night Skies, sunrise and sunset landscapes, drone photography and video clips, woodland again soon....

I am still currently "catching up" posting some older images though to build my stream.

I have actually had and have more interaction on Instagram though. Have made some really good friends on there.

@gramps - if you were a user of Instagram, myself and many other people have been becoming increasingly frustrated with its attempts to morph into a TikTok clone, becoming less about photography and still pictures and more about video clips. It also had lots of intrusive adverts and suggested followers which diluted your curated feed. Vero is like Instagram was before they added video.
Never used Instagram and only briefly 'used' Facebook before deleting my account.
I've posted a few photos on Vero this morning but just a few likes from people who only post photos of themselves or their girlfriend ... I can see I will need to be selective. :LOL:
Instagram has a huge userbase (2 American billion active users), whereas Vero has a userbase of circa 5 million users.

Interaction with any of these requires use of relevent hashtags so people can find things.
Tell me why I should be interested in Vero, I use Flickr and of course TP?
They’ve been trying to reinvent the way social media is done. The issue of Facebook and Instagram is you get a ‘curated’ view of your followers posts as algorithms mean posts are only seen by a small percentage of followers. There’s also the way meta treats users, which is pretty much in a I don’t care way. There’s too many scammers on Facebook who play the rules to their own advantage and Facebook does nothing to control.

VERO themselves explain it quite well.

VERO isn’t a replacement for Flickr. In a way it’s trying to be a community like Flickr was but more towards modern technology of mobile sharing with a desktop app.

Years ago I found Flickr to be fantastic. I met quite a few people who I’m now good friends with through recognising them when out through the Flickr page.

I don’t think anyone can expect instant Interaction as it has to grow as the community expands and of course what you put in you may get back. There are of course the potential for ‘likes’ without meaningful comment, but that’s the same with Flickr. I’ve been on there 4 years but it’s finally starting to get busier which is a good thing.
Just signed up today but haven't posted anything yet ... maybe tomorrow.

Following a few of you guys and gals though :)

bristolian is my user name.
So I've just signed up. I'll see how it goes.
Just the two photos at the moment.