Victoria's Secret Show - Taped/Painted Cam?

He likes to show models in their underwear his red end? :shrugs: Pic is a little big, and lacking in half naked models.
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Maybe it's so he knows where is camera is and which one is his should he leave it on the catwalk or somewhere that requires remote triggering.
As I said on the duplicate thread, it looks as if it's red gaffer tape, to protect the camera/lens so that it looks like new when it gets sold on :LOL:
LOL. The guy on the far left looks like a serial rapist! :LOL:

Rikki wanders off to find the self adhesive vinyl, heat gun and craft knife... :D

Rikki wanders off to find the self adhesive vinyl, heat gun and craft knife... :D

Better yet, to get a more even look ... a can of spray :shrug: .. just make sure to cover the lens before you start spraying!
Ive got a vinyl cutter in the office (for doing stickers, sign writing etc) so will be a busy boy tomorrow.
If it's gaffa tape his kit is going to be nice and sticky when he takes it off again so I don't think it's so he can get a good price when he sells it. He's probably just a **** - or maybe an American;)
I think the real question here is 'Who really cares?' but if I had to hazard a guess I would say for identification purposes :)
I think the real question here is 'Who really cares?'

Who cares about photos of birds and landscapes ?

I was just asking because it was something I had not seen before and wondered what the reason was but thanks for the trolling anyway.
Who cares about photos of birds and landscapes ?

I was just asking because it was something I had not seen before and wondered what the reason was but thanks for the trolling anyway.

That wasn't a trolling. :bat:
my guess is that its to grab the attention of the model? these models probably see millions of the same looking camera lenses pointing at them, so the red tape might catch their eye making them look right down the lens?

So far 4 good possibilities then :D

1. To protect gear from scratches and bumps, increase resale value
2. Stop theft by other tog's
3. Rented gear
4. To get attention from models
Maybe this would do a better job at grabbing attention :LOL:

I think he had it done to confuse people on t'internet chat rooms meself............
If it's gaffa tape his kit is going to be nice and sticky when he takes it off again so I don't think it's so he can get a good price when he sells it

If it was duck/duct/whatever tape, then yes. Gaffer tape is low tack so it should come off without leaving a mess.