Video on a pole thingy ?


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KIPAX Lancashire UK
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I have looked through the threads.. But I wouldn't even know what to search for...

I would like to mount a video camera (currently using a pnasonic dmx lx7 but this isnt written in stone) and video from a height.. say over a sports hall or over a football pitch.. I am looking at static.. so no moving left/right and no zooming.. just setup and leave to video the whole thing..

Its got to be possible I guess.. But how?

Any help/pointers appreciated :)

PS I have never shot a video properly.. havent a clue what i am doing.. just have an idea in my head thats all ..but its somehtign I really want to persue..
yeah but probably more simplistic
All these masts work fine for photography but not for video as there is far to much movement. You would have to stabilise it in post production.
Hi Kippax. It depends on how high you want to go. My van mounted mast can extend to 26m and I have a 10m portable system, that's tripod mounted similar to the one above. The masts are made by Clark Masts in the Isle of White, to miliray spec and are very sturdy

I'd suggest using a DSLR, which can be remotely controlled from ground level using a Camranger system, which remotely controls the camera and the pan and tilt head (although you only want a static shot, you need to be able to get the correct position first).

I don't normally do video, but there's one from a recent job in this gallery. It's not been edited at all.

If you want any more info' just shout.