Viewing RAW files in Windows Explorer

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Im running Windows 7 and whilst I can view JPEGS in Windows Explorer, RAW files show as icons only.

Reading on here I found a link to a download on Microsofts website but that still hasnt cured the problem - whether because the 650D isnt on their list I dont know

Anyone any solutions other than viewing in LR etc
Can't you view view using the software which came with your camera Zoombrowser I think it's called?
Sorry Andrew - I'm with you now. I didn't realise such a thing was possible but it's something I shall look into for myself now. Thanks for the heads up :)

:)Yep that works great.
Have just downloaded the codec for my D5100 and it works. Will certainly help with sorting stuff out.

Best post of the week Andrew! :)
That's really annoying. Would it be worth sending an e-mail to Canon Support?

The only 'problem' I find is that if shooting in RAW and JPEG you don't know which is which without having to check the properties as they have the same file number and no extension. Not a great issue but if you have taken lots of pics it can be a pain. Perhgaps there is a solution?

The only 'problem' I find is that if shooting in RAW and JPEG you don't know which is which without having to check the properties as they have the same file number and no extension. Not a great issue but if you have taken lots of pics it can be a pain. Perhgaps there is a solution?

You need to show file extensions, then it's easy to spot them and/or even sort on Type.

If you are on Win7, open up the Folder where your images are, on the top bar, click Organize, then Folder and Search Options, click on the View Tab, uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types", click Apply, then OK out of it.

You should now see the file extensions, and clearly differentiate between your RAW & JPGs. Here, I've sorted so my ORFs (Olympus Raw File) are before my JPGs, but if you sort on Name, they will be next to each other, and still easy to see by extension.

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I normaly shoot both but some times only jpeg if on hol and not enough cards with me.
But at home not an problem, so now i have the raw plug in for windows evenbetter but sadly it does not show a preview in explorer so unfortunatly i probably will still use both.
You need to show file extensions, then it's easy to spot them and/or even sort on Type.

If you are on Win7, open up the Folder where your images are, on the top bar, click Organize, then Folder and Search Options, click on the View Tab, uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types", click Apply, then OK out of it.

You should now see the file extensions, and clearly differentiate between your RAW & JPGs. Here, I've sorted so my ORFs (Olympus Raw File) are before my JPGs, but if you sort on Name, they will be next to each other, and still easy to see by extension.

Magic! Thanks very much Les - sorted :)

I was having the same issue with my RAW files not showing up as thumbnail previews, they were just a little white box. I've downloaded the codec (thanks steve, wouldn't have found it without your link!) which says it supports my camera but I still can't see my RAW files. Instead of having a little white box as the preview, I now have a nice orange flower! Not a huge deal as if I double click the RAW image then it loads in windows preview but would be nice to be able to see it without having to open it.

The JPEG image still shows a thumbnail and I've altered the folder settings to include the file type in the name eg .jpeg or .rw2 (thanks for explaining that Les!)

I just wondered if there's a setting I need to alter to get the RAW images to show up as preview thumbnails?
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As above now have the orange flower but would love a thumb nail there instead is this posible.
The microsoft codec does work but only for some Canon cameras. For example my 7D raw files show as pictures in Explorer but my 6D show as flowers. I guess I need to wait for Microsoft to update their codec. I guess the same issue applies for Nikon cameras etc.
The only 'problem' I find is that if shooting in RAW and JPEG you don't know which is which without having to check the properties as they have the same file number and no extension. Not a great issue but if you have taken lots of pics it can be a pain. Perhgaps there is a solution?

Another solution is to sort ascending by name, then the first of the identical file is always Canon RAW (.cr2) while second one is always JPG. because C comes before J. Nikon's NEF comes after JPG.

I always shoot full sized RAW and Smallest JPG, even with the codec, the small Jpg is perfect for websites or quick transfer to friends/family computers. If they want print sized photos, then ask me for processed full sized shots.
The MS codec works great for me. My D800 RAW files are handled no problem.
It will do a lot. What it won't do is show thumbnails in Windows Explorer. Unfortunately, that is what the OP wants to do.

Downloaded the codec from the link and now RAW shows up in explorer. Very handy if you want to just transfer a few photo from the card in its reader :)

Many thanks
You need to show file extensions, then it's easy to spot them and/or even sort on Type.

If you are on Win7, open up the Folder where your images are, on the top bar, click Organize, then Folder and Search Options, click on the View Tab, uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types", click Apply, then OK out of it.

Thanks very much for the above its a big help (y) as was the link posted to the codec.
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For some reason I just assumed you couldn't do this!

Thicky McThick-Pants!

Thanks for putting me right, chaps.