Viltrox Macro Light and Raynox 150 Lens

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I'm just back into photography after a year ,I kept some of my stuff,I'm going to try Macro ,I already have my Viltrox JY670 Ring Macro Light,
I bought recently a Raynox 150 Macro Lens,so,I tried to see if adapters for both Raynox and the Viltox Ring Lite,would be compatible,and it turns out
they are not a fit,So I was wondering,had,anyone on this Forum,ever had this setup,but,were able to resolve the problem by,either buying some type of attachment,or,doing some modification,so that the Viltrox will attach to the Raynox lens,All help appreciated.

Hi Paul,

I've got a Raynox 250, bought it many years ago but never had much luck with it. A friend has a 150 and that seems to work well.

I think these little magnifiers can be screwed into a step-down ring.
I know a very helpful camera shop in London so personally I'd go there and ask. I did that when I wanted a step-up ring for my M43 kit lens. I wanted it to act as a small hood to give added protection. They not only gave me one FOC but gave me a 37-46mm and explained that it would take the filters from my 25mm prime. These step up/down rings come in brass, aluminium and also plastic. Modern day plastics are good enough for me. :)
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The Raynox 150 & 250 have a 49mm thread at the front so all you should need is a 49mm Cokin-P adapter. Whether it's sensible to load the weight of the flash head onto the 43mm at the back of the Raynox is a different question.