Virtual memory/scratch discs etc

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Sorry guys...another computer based one!

At the moment I have 2 drives and I have windows virtual memory not managed by windows...but as 3000 max and 3000min on the d drive.( opposite drive to windows)

i have photoshop installed on D... with its first scratch disc on C

does this sound correct or is there a better more efficient way?
Is C your main drive (i.e. where yoou keep windows etc)

Generally the best way (IMO) is to create a partition on one of your hard drives, (not a USB drive), and not the main (windows drive), this partition should be exclusively used as your scratch disk. The size can be variable (I use 8GB), and should be formatted regularly.

I'm sure there are other and just as valid ways.
I've got 40Gb C drive as OS & program files only, 120Gb D drive with large 'data' partition, and 2 other smaller partitions, one for a Windows swap file and one for P/Shop work space
do you mean this to be the scratch disc for photoshop...........or where the Windows virtual memory is.... as I gather they should be in different places...

so I have sort of crossed them over!! windows c: with virtual memory on D-
photoshop on D with scratchdisc on C
Well they are in separate places (y) - separate logical partitions wont conflict with each other.
I thought I read somewhere that if a dedicated area was to be set aside for windows virtual memory it was best on a different physical drive. Mines about 2Gb, some info here . My p/shop scratchdisc is about 5Gb