Non UK Visiting Marrakesh

john stevenson
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Hi All

Has anyone visited Marrakesh and if so what are the Do's and Dont's regarding photography and safety. Should I risk a DSLR and 2/3 lenses or should I just be happy with a compact and is it true you need to pay people to take pics? Am visiting the first week of April and staying in a Riad in the thick of things. Also any must see places?

Thanks in advance.
We went twice last year. i took a dslr and a 50mm and a fuji x10 compact. Both were absolutely fine. Security wise, you'll be good, obviously as always anywhere, be aware but its is no better of worse than any other city.

OK, photos - DON'T try taking photos in the main square of the monkeys/snake charmers, etc unless you want to be seriously hassled by their owners for money. However, all over Morocco and especially in Marrakech, there are plain clothes 'tourist police' keeping an eye on things and trying to ensure you don't get too much grief. You will also find as you walk around the medina, you will get a lot of people trying to be your guide - remember, these people are just trying to make a living, so be very firm but polite with them when saying no - they will all eventually lead you to the carpet shop/pharmacy that is giving them commision and they will all tell you they are not guides and they dont want paying until you get there....

Anywhere else, we found people were fine if you were taking pics of goods on stalls, that kind of thing, but for people, some wont want it at all, others will hold out their hand for a dirham or two, and some will be fine, though evwn those that are ok with it, its polite to offer a coin. What I found very quickly was that having the camera round my neck [something I never normally do], and shooting surreptitiously from the 'hip' [ok, midriff], got me the natural street scenes I wanted far more easily. If you are looking for 'portraits' you will have to be prepared to be told no probably more often than yes. It's a muslim country and as such, they aren't fond of pictures, but that is balanced by quite liking the tourist money ;-)

MUST SEE - the photography museum - the photos in there are lovely enough, but the cafe on the roof has the best food anywhere in Marrakech and the view across the rooftops, almost a full 360 degree, is simply unmissable!! Stay there for at least one muezzin call too, and watch and listen as each mosque competes with the next across the city. It costs a few dirham to get in, but hang on to your ticket and you can go back again with it.
The Majorelle gardens are nice enough, worth a trip if you have time but don't go out of your way if you haven't.
Learn the way to and from your Riad as quick as you can, because you will get lost! I promise :D

Most of all, have a fab time! I LOVE Marrakeck [and Morocco generally], love its people who are generally warm and friendly, the culture, everything. Oh yes and finally, barter HARD in the souks or walk away, they will respect you for either ;)

If you are interested, these are some of my marrakech pics from May last year

Oh and staying in a riad in the middle of it is the best way to see the place [we have done riad and outskirts modern hotel] :D
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Follow up question. Are there restrictions on what or how many camers you can take into Marrakech? The info I've come across seems conflicting. I was thinking of taking D300s and 2/3 lenses plus the P7700.

Mant thanks
Did you go Relayer?

Thinking of going myself in October, very good info above, and I love the pics, similar style to my own.

Anyone else been? Info or advice to add to above?
Here's my gallery of photos from Moroccan imperial cities:

Agree with everything Yvonne said above. Ditto for the water sellers...DO NOT drink their water OR take their photo before discussing a price. Many Moroccans do not want their photo taken but over all it is a safe safe country.
I love Morocco and have been a number of times. Firstly it's a very safe country, it's practically alcohol free and that alone makes things a lot safer imo as you don't get the trouble you do in the UK.. You will see large groups of men hanging out but they are in their family groups and again not looking for trouble in the slightest. Prepare for serious culture shock if you've never been to a non western country.

Camera wise I like yv shoot from the hip for best results as pointing a camera at someone does attract unwanted attention. I have paid for portraits and even asked people and got them for free.

essaouira Is the most beautiful place And 'only' a few hours away by coach/car.
Marrakesh is fine and very beautiful. When in the markets people seem happy for you to snap their stall if you buy something from them. Remember to haggle as its the only form of entertainment. Essaouira is lovely and chefchaouen is even lovelier if you can get there (fabulous blue colours which would make lush photographs). I would steer clear of Fes with a nice camera though as its a very dangerous place!
Marrakesh is fine and very beautiful. When in the markets people seem happy for you to snap their stall if you buy something from them. Remember to haggle as its the only form of entertainment. Essaouira is lovely and chefchaouen is even lovelier if you can get there (fabulous blue colours which would make lush photographs). I would steer clear of Fes with a nice camera though as its a very dangerous place!

Awesome thread revival! The OP did actually go over 2 years ago. :D