Vista is driving me insane already.


Judge Dredd
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Can someone explain why this operating system has to be so hugely annoying?

I only installed it on Saturday and i already want to smash things :LOL: Anyway, the media center bit is good so far (that's all the PC is really used for, and i upgraded from MCE), but everything else seems like it was built by an idiot. I'm just going to leave media center on and stay well away from the desktop! :D
It was designed to be used by Idiots. Thats your problem.

Microsoft et al want to bring IT to Joe Public & My mum. Most of which havnt a clue. So the developers wrap the applications in so much C**P that they are generally next to useless.

Yours ... a nerdy EDA/Linux/IT guru
it needs a lot of tinkering....
My dad got a vista laptop on Friday and I've been looking at it for him.

I had always thought people were a bit harsh on Microsoft for the software they make, but not now. Vista is just plain stupid.

If someone can tell me how to get frequently used programs to stay in the start menu after a restart please let me know (I do not mean by pinning them)

Does the hard drive really have to run all the time, or so it seems.
you can keep the frequently used programs there, and no, the HDD doesnt run all the time..

i will have a look tomorrow eveing, im on lappy at the moment...
Earlier i was trying to delete some files and it just wouldn't let me... it kept saying i needed permission but giving me no way to give it that permission?! Strange then that it has no problem allowing me to format the drive?! :LOL:

Also why is it that moving, deleting and renaming files is now a 3 click task and takes forever? If it's meant to be for security then how come other more secure operating systems are nothing like this?!
when I got my new one built I was asked if I wanted "vista" the spotty youth in the shop advised against it! With some trepidation I agreed with him and I went for XP Pro
After hearing many stories like this all I can say is hurrah for spotty youths (y)
I prefer it to XP, but maybe I'm just easily conned by pretty tarts :)
I wont think about getting vista until at least service pack 1 is out.
Vista Media Centre is better than XP MCE, BUT 90% of it is the same... it just looks better. For me that's fine, as the machine just sits on media centre 24/7 :) Which is great, as using the Vista desktop makes me want to smash things :p
Might be crud. Give your connectors (jack plugs) a clean. Re-connect them a good half dozen times in sucesssion.
Might be crud. Give your connectors (jack plugs) a clean. Re-connect them a good half dozen times in sucesssion.

I've got Vista on my laptop & it tells me when I've unplugged the headphones :shrug:

But what really annoys me is that it's not compatible with my legal copy of Outlook 2002 & the recomended fix is to buy Outlook 2007 :bang:
But what really annoys me is that it's not compatible with my legal copy of Outlook 2002 & the recomended fix is to buy Outlook 2007 :bang:

Yeh that got my goat too. I had Office XP and Outlook kept prompting for the password everytime it tried to fetch mail. I just installed Thunderbird in the end...
Eldest daughter could have got vista free with the laptop,
Told her not to bother and stick with xp.
She is so glad after her friends have had immense nightmares with it.
Good luck,
I hate Vista quite a bit now (after only a few days!) but the media center side of things is a lot better than XP MCE... and as it's only used for a media center i guess i can put up with it :)

Azureus web interface doesn't work though. I think it might be some 'security' thing, as i can get to the page from another machine, but it's just blank... no error, just nothing there!
i refuse to change from XP

I still miss 3.1 too :(

XP? Bleh. I'm sticking with W2K. Shame Lightroom (and other apps that I fancy) don't work.

Really, what can they possibly have put in XP that W2K hasn't got (apart from bloat and a healthy dose of paranoia) that Lightroom depends on?? :cautious:
It does make me laugh sometimes when people slate windows just for the sake of it :LOL:

I have skim-read over this thread so forgive me if i'm re-treading tracks someone has already laid.

Right, vista is a HUGE improvement over XP. The added security features some mentioned which make moving files a 3-click process or whatever which supposedly aren't in more secure operatings systems can be turned off if you wish.

On that point, I take it that you haven't used a more secure operating system? Try installing new software in Ubuntu (flavour of linux) or any flavour of linux without specifically going into sudo mode or logging in as root. I think you'll find the principles are the same, windows has just caught up in that respect ;)

Not sure if the problems with hardware/software has been brought up but thats the usual slating step.

Yes, it is annoying, but who's fault is it? Windows released the API framework for their system circa 9 months ago. Why do some soundblaster cards not have full functionality? SB couldnt be arsed to fully migrate/re-write drivers for them in time.

Why should they need to change? New framework (not entirely, but new technology and capabilities requires re-writes of areas. Believe me as a programmer, if windows didn't need to re-code parts of their framework and API, they wouldn't!

For the record I have vista 64 ultimate. The only problems i've had with it has been with lightroom. Its a good OS, but all new OS's take time to be supported by enough hardware and software developers.

Right, vista is a HUGE improvement over XP. The added security features some mentioned which make moving files a 3-click process or whatever which supposedly aren't in more secure operatings systems can be turned off if you wish.


Vista may be more secure but you still need a Firewall + Virus checker and the idiots who open email attachments will still do three clicks to install a virus/trojan/key grabber.

All Vista does for me is eat my Pcs resources , crash my "old" software and get in my ***** way :bang: .

In my humble ;) experience Vista does not add any value to my day to day PC life
by a mac windows is crap

I have a Mac thanks... i'm using it to type this! Apple just don't do anything that compares to Media Center though, which is a bit of a shame as i'd love to get ride of my PC and replace it with something much less annoying :)
Upgraded from XP pro to Vista.. I like it!
No problems... dont know what all the fuss is about TBH???
Customize it, so it does what you want it to do...
Frequently used progs are there... no issues there. The security thing is a pain, but it does give you another fail safe...

Better than Xp but no where near as many features as 3.1 :p
by a mac windows is crap

Stop trolling and keep this thread on topic :rules: (oh and buy a dictionary)

I've had Vista Home Premium on my pc for a few months now and to be honest I like it. Yes it has niggles:

HP not writing a new driver for my scanner so I need to buy a new one - not Vistas fault but HP.
Older versions of MS software not working with it - That's just plain silly
Windows defender just plain whinging a lot.

but on the positive slant I like
Media Center - very swish
improved interface
Never seems to crash for me (xp did on numerous occasions)
and lots of other stuff.

Anyways, like it or hate it, it's here to stay......
Anyways, like it or hate it, it's here to stay......

thats exactly the sort of complacency that allows Bill Gates to produce such cr*p and continue to sell it. whenever you buy a machine you get the choice as to whether you want the operating system installed adn normally get a choice of what that is, if nobody bought vista cos it is rubbish or half baked he would have to withdraw it like they did with windows millenium!!!!!!
I've run with XP at work and home for almost 3 years.

I bought a laptop in February with Vista Home premium and on that basis have just ordered a behemoth from Dell and paid extra for Vista Ultimate.

I like Vista (clearly). Its reliable, pretty (most important) and gets the job done.

If you dont like it, dont buy it. If you can create better, get on with it.

If you have a Mac and are trolling, get a life. I'm not going to criticise your platform, you made your choice.
Referring to my message above.

The hard drive has stopped thrashing and the frequently used programs are now working.

It needed a registry hack to get the frequently used programs to stay in the start menu, and I did read on a new vista install it can take a couple of days for the indexing to settle down, which could have been the hard drive running all the time..

Lets hope my dad can find his way around vista now :)
time warp

drag the icon you want to pin to the round start button, sorted.

/time delay

i like vista...and it likes me...