Voting for EVIL cameras: Fuji, Leica, Nikon, Canon, Sony, Panasonic, Olympus

What compact EVIL camera are you waiting for and going to buy

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I was looking forward to Nikon's EVIL camera, which was rumoured to be based on the Fuji X100 chassis but with an APS-C sensor and interchangeable lenses.

Turns out it's not and will have a tiny sensor, so they can keep it - I'm happy enough with the GF-1.

shame- selling as a pro EVIL with smaller than crop sensor:wacky: haven't seen that update, got a link?
I don't see that as a bad thing.

Anyway, I'd wait to see what Nikon bring out. Leica's current digital offering is sadly too expensive. :p

But my M4/Hexar AF gives me full frame, an awesome lens and silent operation anyway. ;)

Droooool :puke:
yes I'm pretty sure - you are still dealing with an APS-C sensor in the case of the sony NEX and even a 4/3d sensor still requires a large lens.

4/3d 40-150 65.5x72mm 220gsm
m4/3d 40-150 63.5 x 83mm 290gsm


Think you are missing the point here. I can walk around all day with my G1 + either 20mm or kit zoom in hand. When I sling the 45-200 into a bag (about the size of a drinks can), I've got 28-400mm covered.

If I was using my previous setup, a 5D mkII + 24-105 + 430ex, there's no way I'm going to be carrying it around in one hand all day! If I covered the same focal length, and had a 100-400 in my bag as well......not going to be a light bag. The G1 and 20mm stacks up very well against the 5D setup too.
I don't want one either.

Electronic viewfinders are the graphic equalisers of their day. There's no good reason for them other than aesthetics. They con convince some that they're a suitable replacement for the direct optical view but I'm not in that market.
dd1989 said:
Except the M43 lenses have a special design whereby they have a little catch allowing them to collapse down when not in use.

except that's of no use when you use the lens.
woof woof said:
The Nex is one camera / range. If you want smaller rather than something to support a slightly dodgy argument :) go for a MFT. There are plenty of comparison shots that show how much smaller these cameras are than DSLR's, even with a lens. In fact my GF2 with 20mm is smaller than the similar concept film cameras I've had including Bessa R, Canonet Q17, Trip.

it's not a dodgy argument. the body is smaller granted but if you use zoom lenses they are still big with not much size difference. the only way this system is small is with the use of the pancake primes.
mid_gen said:
Think you are missing the point here. I can walk around all day with my G1 + either 20mm or kit zoom in hand. When I sling the 45-200 into a bag (about the size of a drinks can), I've got 28-400mm covered.

If I was using my previous setup, a 5D mkII + 24-105 + 430ex, there's no way I'm going to be carrying it around in one hand all day! If I covered the same focal length, and had a 100-400 in my bag as well......not going to be a light bag. The G1 and 20mm stacks up very well against the 5D setup too.

I'm not missing the point. compare the G1 to another small 4/3 camera and there is not a significant size difference with the lenses.
These cameras are small, I just don't see how any one can argue against that. Go and use one for more than 2 seconds and you will realise that.


Find me a 14-42 equiv lens on any other system that's so small. This fits in a coat pocket easily.

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Except the M43 lenses have a special design whereby they have a little catch allowing them to collapse down when not in use.

Only 2 do...

and m4/3 and 4/3 are the same sensor size, it's only the absence of a mirror that makes m4/3 compact.

(I'm not arguing it's not small by the way, IQ vs Size and weight are my main criteria for a camera, and that's my GH1)
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having played with a panasonic GF2 with a 14mm attached I think its a nice wee compact point and click camera. I would use one for snap shots of the family or nights out etc. the IQ is not good enough for my liking though - the samsung NX100 has the same problem IQ wise. The fuji X1 is pretty much the same in the IQ stakes too - I've been spoiled by FF :(

I would probably consider getting one of these EVIL's if you got a fast enough lens but there aint any f1.4 made for them yet. It would certainly not replace any future dSLR I might want to buy.

The fuji is far far too expensive compared to the others
having played with a panasonic GF2 with a 14mm attached I think its a nice wee compact point and click camera. I would use one for snap shots of the family or nights out etc. the IQ is not good enough for my liking though - the samsung NX100 has the same problem IQ wise. The fuji X1 is pretty much the same in the IQ stakes too - I've been spoiled by FF :(

I would probably consider getting one of these EVIL's if you got a fast enough lens but there aint any f1.4 made for them yet. It would certainly not replace any future dSLR I might want to buy.

The fuji is far far too expensive compared to the others

I really, really want the Fuji, I read the Photographyblog review today...

The Fujifilm FinePix X100 produces images of outstanding quality. It recorded noise-free JPEG images at ISO 100 all the way up to 3200, with a little noise at ISO 6400 and more visible noise and slight colour desaturation at the fastest setting of ISO 12800, an amazing performance for a camera with an APS-C sensor. The RAW files were also excellent, with usable images throughout the entire range of ISO 200-6400.

That just sounds perfect, 6400 is the absolute limit I would find my self ever needing to shoot at so long as the lens could open up to around f/2.8.

Plus...just look at it...beautiful


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...the IQ is not good enough for my liking though...

Whenever I think that a camera isn't good enough I look on the net at what IQ other people are getting and I quickly change my mind.
I don't want one either.

Electronic viewfinders are the graphic equalisers of their day. There's no good reason for them other than aesthetics. They con convince some that they're a suitable replacement for the direct optical view but I'm not in that market.

From what I've read the best EVF's are already better (according to the reviewers) than entry and indeed some mid range DSLR's and lets be honest, they're only going to get better.

IMVHO they are the future and the advantages will be many and one day OVF's will be replaced by EVF's and just like auto focus and live view and sensor cleaning and image stabilisation and every other new fangled modern thing we'll just take them for granted.
THe GH2's contrast AF is already faster and more accurate than a budget dSLR with phase.
I would probably consider getting one of these EVIL's if you got a fast enough lens but there aint any f1.4 made for them yet. It would certainly not replace any future dSLR I might want to buy.

not really sure why. was not trying to make a joke

Sorry, I assumed you were making a tongue-in-cheek remark. Didn't imagine you would make such a statement without even knowing what lenses are out there. Looks like you need to start saving!
looks like the poll is waiting on the Nikon Evil unless "Flashin the Pan" has provided the evidence of his statement that it has a smaller than crop sensor?
saw a supposed pic of the nikon evil, man its huge and ugly:thumbsdown:
looks like the poll is waiting on the Nikon Evil unless "Flashin the Pan" has provided the evidence of his statement that it has a smaller than crop sensor?
saw a supposed pic of the nikon evil, man its huge and ugly:thumbsdown:

I've read reports on the rumour sites that it's a tiny sensor camera but I suppose the only way to be 100% sure is to wait until the thing is announced.
I'm not in the market for an EVIL camera. I am however interested in getting a Nikon P7000 as i seem to like the idea of having one on me all the time, and when i'm Carp fishing, the last thing i want is some stranger picking up my D3s to take photos of my prize catch. I can see it now, he'll take the images, and stick £5K worth of photgraphic gear down on a dirt, stoney, muddy bank without a care in the world! LOL!!!
Only really interested in what the G3 will have compared to my G1 when it comes out, Id be curious to see what Nikon are rumoured to coming up with to.

Same here.....was going to go for an X100 as the 20mm never leaves my G1, but I want to wait and see what Panasonic pull out for the G3.
I've been quite tempted by a Sony NEX to replace my DSLR setup but the lens range is too limiting at the moment, I appreciate that you can use a lot of manual focus lenses and Alpha mount lenses, albeit again most in manual focus.

By the time you add the 18-55 lens to a NEX body it isnt any smaller than my Pentax DSLR with a pancake lens attached.

I'm leaning toward keeping my setup and adding a used Olympus EP-1 at some point to accompany my DSLR especially as they seem relatively cheap used.
I don't want one, and that is not the same as 'don't know'

:plus1: I dont want one on religious grounds

I can't, for the love of god, think what i'd do with it that i can't do with either my DSLR or my fuji f10 :LOL:
:plus1: I dont want one on religious grounds

I can't, for the love of god, think what i'd do with it that i can't do with either my DSLR or my fuji f10 :LOL:

Well... although I love my 20D evils fill a need for me as they are a modern interpretation of the quality film compacts we had years ago. They're about the same size, maybe a little smaller and maybe a little heavier but in the same ball park and they offer similar quality to a DSLR at least at the lower ISO's which gives the option of taking one when and where you don'twant to or can't take a DSLR. Taken as a whole I think they're a very convincing package.

No disrespect to your fuji, but from what I can see it's just a pocket point and shoot with pretty much zero user control and ho-hum image quality, pretty much like my compacts. When I got my GF1 I was impressed... this is the first non DSLR I've ever had than gives the IQ I want and even my LX5 struggles to do that let alone the tiny sensor equipped pocket compacts. Evils are the future :)
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The NX10 is a joy to hold, and feels far better built than the G1, or the 550D - really dense, heavy yet precise. It felt instantly at home when I tried it recently, and fell into my hand perfectly.

In fact, considering the awesome reviews and figures the Samsung 30mm lens gets, coupled with the APS-C sensor [the size of the RD-1, 550D, etc] then this could be seen as an alternative to an RD-1 and an old Summicron-M..... even the draw characteristics of the prime are a little imprecise and M-like...

And for £350, it's less than a battered old 35 Summicron in poor condition.
Craikeybaby said:
I'm in the none camp when it comes to EVIL cameras, if I've not got my SLR I want something that will fit in my jeans pocket.

Exactly my too, just need to find that perfect tiny camera :)
No disrespect to your fuji, but from what I can see it's just a pocket point and shoot with pretty much zero user control and ho-hum image quality,

its actually got pretty good user control, with full M mode and a .sp mode just like you get on DSLRs, in addition to point and shoot, and with 6MP its image quality isnt too bad either

but my point was that if i want more control than the fuji gives me i use a DSLR - so i cant see any reason why i'd want a quasi DSLR with an electronic viewfinder which still wont fit in my pocket.

If i'm going to have to take a bag i may as well take the dslr
Got a NEX 5 on account I don't really want to carry my SLRs and lenses every where, It's a super little thing, don't get disapproving looks or worse in the park with my grandson, don't take all my baggage allowance, don't fill my ruck sac when it rains, don't worry who wants to pick it up and use it, DOES turn out some very acceptable results better than most compacts. I will vote for the next fuji model me thinks.
Exactly my too, just need to find that perfect tiny camera :)

I'm using the Canon S90 as my fits in my jeans pockets camera, the S95 is the newer version, but has pretty much the same body.
its actually got pretty good user control, with full M mode and a .sp mode just like you get on DSLRs, in addition to point and shoot, and with 6MP its image quality isnt too bad either

Maybe there's some confusion over model numbers? I'd never heard of "fuji f10" so I Googled my way to...

where it doen't get a great review.

"but my point was that if i want more control than the fuji gives me i use a DSLR - so i cant see any reason why i'd want a quasi DSLR with an electronic viewfinder which still wont fit in my pocket.

If i'm going to have to take a bag i may as well take the dslr"

Whenever I read comments like this I strongly suspect that those making them have never actually handled an evil. My GF1 with 20mm f1.7 is slighly smaller (but maybe salightly heavier) then my previous 35mm Bessa R, Canonet and Olympus trip and I don't rememnber anyone complaining that they were too big. My GF1 fits in my lightest jacket pocket with no trouble at all. It won't fit in a trouser pocket, you need a small compact for that, but no small compact can live with the image quality or useability you get from the likes of the GF1. Even the top end larger "compacts" like the LX5 can't compete.
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Thats the puppy - its a shame that that reviewer is an idiot (after all how can anyone say "straightforward 'point and shoot' camera with little in the way of manual control" and then go on to say "Here you'll find options for everything from AE compensation to white balance, focus and metering options" - so thats the manual control then :roll: )

I'm going from about 7 years of use rather than from a review when i say that its got as much manual control as i'm going to need in a compact.

anyway i'm not saying that its better than an evil (clearly its not) what i'm saying is that i dont ned an evil because ive got a compact as an option as well as the dslr

And you're right I havent handled an evil (though I did breifly have a leica range finder-film- which is much the same size) - but the point is that my 20D with a nifty 50 will fit in a coat pocket too so I still dont see the need for an Evil

bottom line they arent for everyone - if you've got one and you like it then, great i'm happy for you, but theres nothing wrong with not wanting one. (which is also true of virtually every other item of photographic equipment)
The pic of Fujifilm X100 looks like a camera with a pancake lens? What marks this out compared with other manufacturers? Especially at the £899 price I just found on Amazon.

I'm really happy with my Samsung NX10 with prime lens, though usually use the 18-50mm zoom.