vr clicking?

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Hi all,

I've just had my 70-300vr delivered, woop. I'm off out in a bit to see how it handles, but just want a bit of reassurance..! The vr engages and disengages with a little 'click'. I've read that you should hear the whirring when it is active, but didn't know it should click.

It appears to be working fine.. I've took a couple of 1/4sec exposures handheld, so I don't think there's a problem. So is this 'click' noise normal folks?
Yeah, VR makes all sorts of odd & weird sounds! The funny thing is that the sounds varies from one lens to another! I have the 55-200VR, 24-120VR, and 70-200VR and each makes its' own distinct sound!

55-200VR sounds like there is an electric short-out in there!
24-120VR is dead-silent :shrug:
70-200VR makes a small hissing noise

I've learend to just ignore it so long that I am happy with the output quality. My suggestion would be to go out and shoot 100s of shots, if anything is wrong in there you will find out with in a very short while.

Hope this is of help :)
Sounds normal to me. I have two VR lenses and they both click when engaging and disengaging. It's not loud or obtrusive, but a definite click.

Great, thanks for putting my mind at rest! Cheers.

I know exactly what you mean - you put a large chunk of cash into a piece of glass and it is a bit of a worry when it clicks at you. I know the first time I 'used' anti locking brakes on my car, that scared me almost as much as almost hitting the back of the car in front!
