Wainhouse Tower at night

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Took this last night

I like the look of the sky with the low wispy cloud, also the graves in the foreground, but I would have liked the tower to not look so bright ( over exposed?).

I took a few different photos altering aperture and shutter speed but could not get the affect I was looking for. :shake:

I've had a play with ViewNX2 but wasn't very successful :shrug:

Any help and advice please? :)
I like this, where is wainhouse tower?

Not so sure you could do what you want in ViewNX2 because it needs some selective processing IMHO
Try a trial of LR4 or CaptureNX

Or you could post the RAW for others to have a go

One thing I would try is cloning out the twigs/branches that stick up either side the tower
I also wonder about those on the right , but that I think would be more tricky
Hiya Chris,thanks for the reply :)

Wainhouse Tower is about a mile south/west of Halifax just off the A58.

If you could do something with the photo, or anyone else, that would be great :cool:

Now, bear in mind, its only easy when you know how...........and I don't :LOL:.....

how do I post in raw?....... I took the photo in both jpeg and raw,saved to documents, but I can only upload the ones in jpeg to photobucket to post on here. Am I missing something? :thinking:
Phil-D said:
Hiya Chris,thanks for the reply :)

Wainhouse Tower is about a mile south/west of Halifax just off the A58.

If you could do something with the photo, or anyone else, that would be great :cool:

Now, bear in mind, its only easy when you know how...........and I don't :LOL:.....

how do I post in raw?....... I took the photo in both jpeg and raw,saved to documents, but I can only upload the ones in jpeg to photobucket to post on here. Am I missing something? :thinking:

I have to admit there are probably way better people at pp then I am!

I guess you could get a free Dropbox account and upload it to the "public" folder there then post a direct link here
Not 100% sure of etiquette here about asking for this sort of help though or if you need to tag your post in a certain way?....
Only way to learn is to do it yourself.

Basically what you say you want to do is darken the tower without affecting the sky and graves...

try increasing the highlight protection slider, reducing the exposure comp slider, if this makes the sky / graves too dark, try the D lighting / shadow protection slider.

If this fails to give the image you want - you can try exposure blending (HDR).

create 3 exposures with the top slider set to -1, 0 and +1.
then d/l some free HDR software (I Like Dynamic Photo HDR (mediachance))
put these 3 exposures into it, and it can then blend them for you.

If you find somewhere to host the RAW file, I'll have a go at it. (y)

Is this the sort of effect you're after - this was just from the posted JPG, in GIMP, selected only the tower and reduced the brightness of it.

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With this you could just use a large soft burn brush over the tower, set to darken highlights to bring it down a bit.
It's a good shot but I would have liked to consider slightly different compositions where the base of the tower did not line up with gravestones in that way.
Only way to learn is to do it yourself.

I am trying........honest I am :p ;) :LOL:
Basically what you say you want to do is darken the tower without affecting the sky and graves...

try increasing the highlight protection slider, reducing the exposure comp slider, if this makes the sky / graves too dark, try the D lighting / shadow protection slider.

Graham, this bit I understand, thanks (y) I'll give it another go

If this fails to give the image you want - you can try exposure blending (HDR).

create 3 exposures with the top slider set to -1, 0 and +1.
then d/l some free HDR software (I Like Dynamic Photo HDR (mediachance))
put these 3 exposures into it, and it can then blend them for you.

Sorry.......but this might as well be in German :LOL:

Is this the sort of effect you're after - this was just from the posted JPG, in GIMP, selected only the tower and reduced the brightness of it.

Graham, yes...... thanks, that certainly looks better. The top of the tower is a lot clearer and looks darkened off (y)
Been to Wainhouse Tower a few times, have you ever climbed to the top?
Been to Wainhouse Tower a few times, have you ever climbed to the top?

Simon, yes .....a few times......but not for many years :)

Great views on a clear day :cool:

Think its only open a few days a year