Walkabout lens for 7D

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I have had a Sigma 18-125 for a number of years, but it is dying a death and I want to replace it with something with a similar range but better quality. I have a 10-20 and a 70-200 2.8, but need something for the odd time I go to folk festivals etc that is convenient but reasonable quality too. I am looking at up to around £500, and am wondering about the Canon 15-85 (if it is good at the wide end that might allow me to sell the 10-20 which I don't use that often), or the new 18-135 STM which seems to have much better optics than the old 18-135, but how fast is the STM, and is it a waste of money when I can't take advantage of the video capabilities?

Any other lenses I should consider? I like Sigma and have a couple if their EX lenses but none of their EX seem quite right - or am missing something?

All advice gratefully received - I am really struggling to make a decision!
Since you have the wide angle covered with your 10-20 then Canon 24-105 would seem to be the natural choice. I don't have a super wide angle so chose the Canon 15-85 when I bought my 7D, it's a cracking good lens, good walkabout range, only drawback is only f5.6 at the long end, but I haven't found it a problem to be honest, you can always up the ISO ;)
I use the sigma 17-70 2.8 -4 and love it covers most of the things .
Thanks both. Having wracked my brain for days I posted this then thought, if I was replying to this for someone else, what would I recommend? And immediately said a second hand 24-105! Somehow thinking of it from someone else's perspective is much easier.
Thanks again,
I've got a 24-105 f4 L that I got with a 5D2 and it spent about as much time on my 7D as it did the 5D2. I've since sold both bodies, but I've still got the 24-105 and it gives me excellent photos on my 5D3 now. Truely, it's a great lens.
You could always wait, save the extra little bit of cash and go for the 24-70 f2.8.
IMHO, the best lens for a 7D is the 17-55mm F/2.8 IS. IQ easily beat my 24-105 on the same body and matched the 24-70L, whilst having the benefit of recent IS and a much more useful wide end. I rate this above all other lenses on a Canon crop. If only it had the tank like build quality of the 24-70L.

I have owned a lot of L's, but if I could only keep one lens for my 7D, the 17-55 it would be:).
Thanks for all the help. Although I have more than £500, I really can't justify spending more than that (considering how much I have already spent on photography this year!). I also really want a lens that goes up to 70mm as an absolute minimum, preferably more, as I do tend to be more of a "zoom in for the close up" than "let's see the wider picture" sort of girl.
buckas said:
17-55 for ef-s crop bodies


I picked one up in perfect condition from the TP classifieds for £500 (still a bit stunned it went so cheap!) so they can be found for around your budget.

It's just an amazing lens full stop. Not much else I can say!
Thanks for all the help, folks. I really do need more reach than 55mm at present, so 24-105 purchased.
24-105L is a great lens, and is of course FF ready if ever you should upgrade the body.
I use a 17-40 f4L most of the time on my 7D and to be honest it feels like plenty of range. I chose this lens for two reasons, firstly it's build quality is excellent it feels tough as hell and can take a few knocks, the second was I couldn't afford a 17-55.

Happy with what I've got, but I would love it to be f2.8!