WAMT....what annoyed me today!

It took me an hour to get off the Caen to Portsmouth Ferry and thru UK passport control……. the boat was full and we always seem to get put in the wrong line - last off and our queue for Passport control was the slowest

in the car on the boat at 21:15 …… through the customs/passport control at 22:15
Roadworks. More specifically 2 sets of them on both main approaches to the city from that direction. Absolute genius to schedule them (neither is emergency works) for what is probably the busiest time of the year for those approaches.
Waiting for the postman - 10-10.30 normally, but because I have an RMSD package coming he's late today! 1 more hour and I get to claim.
Waiting for the postman - 10-10.30 normally, but because I have an RMSD package coming he's late today! 1 more hour and I get to claim.

No you don't. The sender does. :)
Id still claim for unnecessary annoyance, and wear and tear on the socks/carpet from all the pacing back and forwards :)
Wind direction changes. Red Arrows took off and flew over the house earlier so I was hoping that their 14:20 departure would take the same line. All ready for them to go over, heard them fire up and set off but they went the other way! Got another day or so of them staying at EXT so might get another chance - will keep an ear open and a camera ready.
Wind direction changes. Red Arrows took off and flew over the house earlier so I was hoping that their 14:20 departure would take the same line. All ready for them to go over, heard them fire up and set off but they went the other way! Got another day or so of them staying at EXT so might get another chance - will keep an ear open and a camera ready.

They're over here this weekend.
Herne Bay and Headcorn.
The Vulcan's at Headcorn too.
There are rumours that the Vulcan might be at Dawlish on the 22nd but they're as yet only rumours. HOPE they aren't unfounded, I'd like to see the thing in the air one last time.

Keep hearing the Arrows and they're visible over the airport environs but too far away for photographic purposes.
There are rumours that the Vulcan might be at Dawlish on the 22nd but they're as yet only rumours. HOPE they aren't unfounded, I'd like to see the thing in the air one last time.

Keep hearing the Arrows and they're visible over the airport environs but too far away for photographic purposes.

She's at Shoreham on 22/23 (and Eastbourne), so it's not beyond the realms of possibility. Not on the list though.

Just seen though that she's also doing Herne this weekend so I might make my way round those parts :)
Digging a bit shows that a sticking point is the cost (£16,000 fee!!!) of getting the Vulcan airborne - maybe a deal's been done to share that cost and/or stump up for the fuel needed to get it along the South coast for a fly-by. Fingers crossed!
She is also going to be at Goodwood Revival on Sept 12th...:banana:

Yep, and apparently this is her final season.....though they've said that before :LOL:
She is also going to be at Goodwood Revival on Sept 12th...:banana:
Yep, and apparently this is her final season.....though they've said that before :LOL:
I'm not totally sure where this fits in to WAMT, but then again, I never could follow female logic anyway :(
As you were ladies (y)

I'm not totally sure where this fits in to WAMT, but then again, I never could follow female logic anyway :(
As you were ladies (y)


You need some Google tuition.
It's available ;)
So something was smelling a bit iffy in my fridge this afternoon, I thought it was coming from my veg drawer so through it out.

Came to get my chicken out the fridge to cook for dinner tonight..... :eek: :eek:
So something was smelling a bit iffy in my fridge this afternoon, I thought it was coming from my veg drawer so through it out.

Came to get my chicken out the fridge to cook for dinner tonight..... :eek: :eek:
Just cook it an hour longer :p
PS. No please don't if it smells bad ....
I am most annoyed as it was supposed to be still usable by 14/8/2015
Take it back, or at least do an @Lynton and email the CEO of the store it came from ;)
The chicken shall we say....erm... took flight & is no longer in my possession

So do I email the head of the UK arm of the company or do I go the big kahuna boss in the USA?
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The chicken shall we say....erm... took flight & is no longer in my possession

So do I email the head of the UK arm of the company or to I go the big kahuna boss in the USA?
I think Lynton would start with the UK and see how that went :D
The chicken shall we say....erm... took flight & is no longer in my possession

So do I email the head of the UK arm of the company or do I go the big kahuna boss in the USA?
So what did you have instead? We don't want you to starve. Perhaps need to organise a TP rescue mission?
Wamt - whilst out running tonight our Nero came to a sudden halt, I stepped sideway right into the nettles. :crying:
So what did you have instead? We don't want you to starve. Perhaps need to organise a TP rescue mission?

Did have anything in the end

I still cooked the pasta & sauce and then put it into portion sized Tupperware for my daughter who loves Daddy's pasta & tomato sauce
I stepped sideway right into the nettles. :crying:
Don't do that its gonna hurt :D

Although take some solace in,
I was out with a mate rough shooting, he was also training his working stock lab, at the time,
the dog hit him in the back of the legs at a running pace, he went down like a sack of s***, straight into a muddy puddle.

Did I larff? too bloody right I did :D
Don't do that its gonna hurt :D

Although take some solace in,
I was out with a mate rough shooting, he was also training his working stock lab, at the time,
the dog hit him in the back of the legs at a running pace, he went down like a sack of s***, straight into a muddy puddle.

Did I larff? too bloody right I did :D
I've got that when out with a neighbour and their giant schnauzer. Her and Nero just go mental and loose sight of who else is about. They've got all the space in the world but when they play they are like a pair of juggernaut and will challenge any grown man to remain upright.

I still like it though :)
start off nice............ haven't read the story... be firm but polite, don't take crap!

my latest.... Tesco CEO office offered me £75 as an opening gambit. We settled on double that.

have a figure in mind.. Be flexible and the ultimate question... "If it were you, would you be happy?" "no." "Well why should I then?"

Game over...
Wamt - whilst out running tonight our Nero came to a sudden halt, I stepped sideway right into the nettles. :crying:


Since hairy legs (however short and fat) use a LOT of sunscreen and I'm of a fair and delicate complexion, I always wear long trousers when out spoiling (or otherwise) a walk. Lots of others don't and have the nettle rash to show for it when they have played (with...) their balls where they laid!
Motor insurance: the level of documentation required.

In the good old days proof of NCB was enough, you could just post it or email it in.

Now they want copies of drivers licence (I cannot give it as I don't have it, its getting made for me at the DVLA, I have extended test pass cert). They want a driver check and driver licence numbers and signed proposal forms.

Its just not easy. Govt websites...Aaaarggh....

After a long conversation they've extended my deadline for my licence, so hopefully the dvla will print it as I don't want to be uninsured. They seemingly will be satisfied with the test cert. When I did the licence check on myself, its not updated which worries me as I have had full entitlement for 2 days.
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Very odd. I've just changed my insurance and no such questions or demands. Must be because I am a foreigner ;p