Want to by a Nikon D80 17K acuations, what do you think?

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I'm a total beginner have a done a level one course with a compact and now want to get a DSLR and get out there and start snapping. Do you think the above sounds like a good deal? Its about £240.
Also any advice on a good lens I could start with. I love taking scenery and close ups.
Thanks for any much needed advice :thinking:
A good average for shutter life is reckoned to be around 200,000 actuations, so 17,000 is just nicely run in.
Firstly, welcome to TP :wave:

Having owned a D80 (albeit only for a short time) I can recommend it as a beginner camera - and it that price it sounds like a fairly good deal. The one area that I found lacking with the D80 - and which was the main reason for me moving up to the D90 - is its low light noise performance ... which is not great. if you don't plan on taking pictures in low light without a flash then that's not an issue :) You don't say what your overall budget is but if you can streatch to a D90 then I would.

As for a lens recommendation I would suggest the 18-105mm VR. It gives really good image quality for not a lot of money and has vibration reduction. A more versatile (and costly) lens would be the 18-200mm VR but views on its sharpness vary from user to user.

Hope that helps and good luck with the search (y)
Welcome! I also had the D80 as my first DSLR. It was a good little body. I bought the 18-70mm to go with it. A superb lens! Sharp. In my opinion, one of the best Nikon have made, for the money it costs.
The D80 shutter is rated at 100,000 if I remember correctly. So yours is just run in!

I'm a total beginner have a done a level one course with a compact and now want to get a DSLR and get out there and start snapping. Do you think the above sounds like a good deal? Its about £240.
Also any advice on a good lens I could start with. I love taking scenery and close ups.
Thanks for any much needed advice :thinking:

I would save a little longer and look for a low mileage D90....i had the D80 from new in 2006 :thinking: and only sold it on last year...great camera in its day but i sold it to buy a D90 which IMO knocks the D80 into a cocked hat...so to speak (y)
The only problem waiting for an D90,is they are still holding their prices at the moment,low count one even more so,till Nikon replace it :)
You can pick up a very nice low shutter count example for £350-375....well worth the extra over the D80 IMO
Firsty welcome to TP!

I still have my D80 as my main digital camera.
Personally it suits me very well albiet there is the low light noise performance issue that steve mentions.....Over 800 iso and the noise can be pretty dreadfull tbh not that I personally shoot above that very often.
Having not ugraded, I cannot really comment on other models such as the D90.
Given the price then I would consider it a decent purchase to start out with.

As for lenses...As this is your first dslr and you are very much new to it all then tbh I would suggest nothing much more expensive than the 18-55mm nikon "kit lens".....many people consider the kit lenses to be of inferiour quality but tbh they are a decent piece of glass at a cheap price to start out with that will give you a wide enough angle for landscapes and a suitable length for head and shoulder portrait (close up) type shots.
Any money saved by remaining "basic" ( although I don't consider the D80 to be basic!), can be put aside towards better quality glass at a later date once you find what types of shots you prefer and what lens lengths will work best for you.

Be sure to post some of your work regardless of which camera set up you decide on........
Thanks so much guys for the welcome and the advice. I'm still umming and ahhing (takes me ages to decide anything) I'm tempted to go for a D90 just thought it was a bit heavy for me. I'm a mobile hairdresser and ended up having wrist and shoulder problems with a heavy hairdryer so I'm extra cautious about the weight of seemingly harmless equipment. I might have another look at the D90 but this D80 sounds good too. If it goes to over 100'000 i think it should be a good buy. Yes its the MBP one so the warranty gives at least a bit of assurance.
MPB are a good firm to deal with. I'm a repeat customer, and all the stuff I've bought from them has been as described or better, sometimes in the original box with paperwork.
My first camera was the Nikon D80, started with an 18-70 lens also, it's a good camera.

I did upgrade to the Nikon D90, then the D700, then the D3s......be careful! :)
My first camera was the Nikon D80, started with an 18-70 lens also, it's a good camera.

I did upgrade to the Nikon D90, then the D700, then the D3s......be careful! :)

Ha ha....certainly is a slippery slope once you are on it. :help:
I'm a total beginner have a done a level one course with a compact and now want to get a DSLR and get out there and start snapping. Do you think the above sounds like a good deal? Its about £240.
Also any advice on a good lens I could start with. I love taking scenery and close ups.
Thanks for any much needed advice :thinking:

You don't say where you live on your public profile but if you are anywhere near Kidderminster in Worcs, Cash Generator has a D80 with an 18-135 plus Tamrac bag for £299, obviously I have no idea of the shutter count.
My first camera was the Nikon D80, started with an 18-70 lens also, it's a good camera.

I did upgrade to the Nikon D90, then the D700, then the D3s......be careful! :)

Similar route to me. D80 and 18-70mm, D300 (still got), D3, D3s and now waiting for delivery of a D4.
Lost count of the lenses that have come and gone.

Stick with what you have. (y) :LOL: