Want to shoot film and ditch the digital

Bruce I'm in exactly the same boat mate!
I've got a fuji xe2 with a couple of nice lenses which are lovely but tbh I'm just getting kind of bored with digital.
I hate computers and even though I have photoshop cc and keep promising myself I'll take the time to lean it, I just can't be arsed haha!!
I want something tangible in my photography, something real, organic
I want to have prints that my grand kids will look at and negatives that will last and last rather than a hard drive that will eventually fail.

I'm still going to keep the fuji as I enjoy landscape photography and have a lee seven5 set that I like to use but if I'm as happy with the r4a as I hope to be then I'll never say never!
Thats just how I feel! (though I HAVE to use Photoshop everyday at work lol).

The XT1 is sold, I have an offer for the rest of it bar the 35mm, just need to say yay or nay on Monday if they don't sell on here over the weekend. I'm going to keep the X100T though. Love that camera the most out of anything I've used since I used film last.

A friends just told me he has all his dev and enlarging gear I can borrow/keep as long as he can use it too :) Wife has said yes to the wash/utility room outside being used as a Darkroom! Should be shopping next week :)
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Wait, so your wife has given you a green light for your own darkroom, AND your friend is giving you his developing gear and enlarger? Wow some people get all the luck! :p :LOL: haha
The Elements of Black and White Printing by Carson Graves. It contains everything I wish I'd known when I first started.

If you want a more advanced read, see if Ctein's Post Exposure is still available as a free download from the author.

Any idea what the enlarger is?

Just seen Carl's post above: good to know that I'm consistent!
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The Elements of Black and White Printing by Carson Graves. It contains everything I wish I'd known when I first started.

If you want a more advanced read, see if Ctein's Post Exposure is still available as a free download from the author.

Any idea what the enlarger is?
Thanks Steven, much appreciated.

I didn't notice a name to be honest. It was in a dark dusty room and I was in a rush. I'll look again on Monday and let you know! I know absolutely NOTHING about them
Enlargers are like cameras in more than one way - the one I'm thinking of is how automated it is. My first enlarger needed things adjusted for use that aren't even available on my current ones. Rather like the crank handle on a car... It's easier to give advice on use if we know what you have to play with.
I've gone all film.

For me, it's great and I do not regret it. I had Nikon DSLRs, and then the Fuji X100 (first model). I loved the X100 - but found I was just taking millions of images, that I didn't really need, and couldn't be bothered to edit/process - due to the high amount.

I had used film years ago briefly, and looked into getting a film camera again. I wanted to slow down, and enjoy the fundamentals of photography again. A cliche, but a true one. I liked the format of the the X100, so of course looked at rangefinders - lusting over a Leica.

I wanted to see if RFs worked for me, so I ended up with a Bessa R (LTM mount). Loved it. Decided to dip into Leica with a Leica CL. Again, a great camera (small, light). Then I decided to sod it, and get a 'proper' Leica. A 'M'. I was ready to buy a M5 but the guy sold it before I could have it. I got my Leica M6 Classic - mint from a local guy who had 2. One used, and the one I had from him which was boxed and kept on a shelf. Wonderful camera. Superb.

I also wanted to have a go at medium format. So i decided to get a Mamiya 645 Pro. Used it for a bit. Loved it but for me just too big/heavy - so i wasn't using it. Since then I have a Fujifilm GA645. Great camera, portable, light, fantastic lens. (disclosure - I'm now selling my Fuji. Not because I don't like it - but I'm going to concentrate on my Leica kit. I want a 75mm to go with my 35mm, and 50mm). I also have got a Zeiss Ikon Nettar. A folding medium format camera from 1953. I love this little thing, so will always keep it.

Maybe I will have a digital again. I have had a good session trying out the Leica Q. It would be a wonderful companion for my M6. But my 'main' camera will always be film.

Shane :)
Well, I've gone and done it :)

Managed to sell a few bits of my Fuji gear and have the rest lined up to go to MPB on Monday. So, family trip to central London today....

After handling a load of M6's, a few M7's, some M5's and Two Bessas....... I hammered my credit card and came home with a black M6 and 35mm f2 Summicron!

I went for what felt best in the end. I loved the VF in the M6 (I wasn't so sure about the M7, the rangefinder field was smaller, and a slightly different shape?). I'm still a bit surprised at my self to be honest, but I do tend to jump in with both feet. It feels right, and I'm super excited to get out shooting and hopefully soon developing too. I'm going to have to either sell the x100T, or a guitar to cover the
expense, but hay ho, only live once:eek: (Any one for a lovely Fender Nocaster??)

Have to say a big thank you for everyones help. Really appreciated it, and it helped. I think we all knew how it would end, and the other cameras were bloody lovely too. I just listened to my heart and not my head lol

Thanks all!
congrats bruce!!
we all knew you would go for an m6 once you have your heart set on something the credit card does tend to take a battering!!
which shop did you get it from? be loveley to have a shop up here that carries that kind of stock!!

ive got some guitar pedals for sale on musicradar to pay for the 35mm voitlander glass haha
Well done. Good to go with the heart sometimes!
Or maybe always, if you don't have a living to make.

I think that sometimes it's good to hang on to equipment, since life goes in phases ...

I can find room for both film and digital.

I don't think I've ever even picked up a Leica, but oddly as I walked around a photo exhibition recently many of the late photographer's cameras were on display in glass cases as a contextual adjunct to his photos. Mainly 35mm, there were Nikons and Contaxes galore, but the one that set up a frisson somewhere down the back of my neck was a carefully suspended Leica & I think it was an M3. Now there's a funny thing.
I know I am late to this as you have already bought your M6 (great choice), but for everything except weddings, I have gone 100% film since the beginning of this year. It's costing me lots in developing and scanning costs (choosing to use a lab for it) but I don't regret it in the slightest. I came back from Iceland with 22 rolls and the images mean so much more to me because I choose to shoot them all on film. I have started doing some shoots of models again, this time on film to try and realise some of my ideas, as well as shooting with friends. I bought a Leica M2 which is just a beautiful thing to use. The only problem is, film cameras themselves are so beautiful and different to each other that it makes me want lots. I also shoot polaroids for some instant gratification which is awesome. You get to shoot film and have a print to hold straight away. Love it.

I have even started introducing a roll of film at weddings now. I would love to be 100% film for those but can't see that happening unfortunately.
Hay Gareth! Thanks mate. I did like the M2 but I'm damned if I'm going without a meter... yet lol. Just looked at your Flickr, some great shots. Love the Iceland stuff! (I remember when I first joined, you were asking if you should pack it in?! I'm pleased you didn't. I really like your images).

I was reading about a guy doing weddings in Film. Worth offering the service, some people would love that. Personally I couldn't deal with the stress of doing someones wedding, let alone in Film haha. Hats of to all you guys that do it!

I've only done a bit of paid work. Being honest, it wasn't shooting things I love or really have any interests in. I'm a graphic designer by trade and that can be very restricive. I don't have the bank account to pick and choice what I do so just get on with it, even if it kills a little bit of me every time I get a crap job in. I want my photography to be MY photography. If I don't make any money, then so be it. I'm lucky I'm in a creative (all be it restrictive) job I guess. Plus, it pays the bills :)

Like the idea of Polaroids. Funny as my kids (4 years old) ask me if they can see the picture. When I say "Not yet" and turn the camera over they're so disappointed lol. Cant wait to see their faces when they see a big print :)
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Hay Gareth! Thanks mate. I did like the M2 but I'm damned if I'm going without a meter... yet lol. Just looked at your Flickr, some great shots. Love the Iceland stuff! (I remember when I first joined, you were asking if you should pack it in?! I'm pleased you didn't. I really like your images).

I was reading about a guy doing weddings in Film. Worth offering the service, some people would love that. Personally I couldn't deal with the stress of doing someones wedding, let alone in Film haha. Hats of to all you guys that do it!

I've only done a bit of paid work. Being honest, it wasn't shooting things I love or really have any interests in. I'm a graphic designer by trade and that can be very restricive. I don't have the bank account to pick and choice what I do so just get on with it, even if it kills a little bit of me every time I get a crap job in. I want my photography to be MY photography. If I don't make any money, then so be it. I'm lucky I'm in a creative (all be it restrictive) job I guess. Plus, it pays the bills :)

Like the idea of Polaroids. Funny as my kids (4 years old) ask me if they can see the picture. When I say "Not yet" and turn the camera over they're so disappointed lol. Cant wait to see their faces when they see a big print :)

Oh, there's definitely a market for shooting weddings on film. I am not good enough yet though to make the transition or offer it totally. The cost in film and processing would be a LOT so my price would have to be much higher to justify it.

Thanks for the kind words and taking a look at my Flickr. There isn't a lof of recent film stuff on there, however there are a few shoots on my website in the personal section (all film) http://www.garethmorton.com/personal/ if you wanted to have a look. :) I also have more film away being developed at the moment from the most recent one (polaroid on Flickr).

You should definitely consider something instant, whether it be a Polaroid and Impossible film, Instax or the Fuji peel apart stuff. It's all beautiful.