warning ,,,,sick . daughter and rabbit

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just a picture of my youngest daughter and a rabbit . bloody kids eh?

i think its best if you look the other way louise ,,,,( its a bit like having an off button on a telly )
ah rite getting it ready for the pot and is it a dead centre shot to the head I spot
mmm rabbit casserole.. lovely!

dont let Ladybird see this though!!! :eek::eek: :nono:
looks pretty skinned to me :D

anyway i didnt do it blame my daughter!
turned the piccy to a link. have a little thought for the kids or the squeamish before posting pics

:puke: Mhmmm that made me feel sick. Cheers for the warning in the title :D

I havnt tasted rabit, taste any good?
Not quite flufy kittens and cotton wool mate!!!

And we were debating earlier whether to post our pics of the puma eating the rabbit earlier :p
:puke: Mhmmm that made me feel sick. Cheers for the warning in the title :D

I havnt tasted rabit, taste any good?

just give me the address and i'll pop one in the post mate .
:thinking: oookkkkkk I feel like a bit of a plum now, was looking at the pic thinking 'thats a lovely rabbit but I dont get the title' :LOL:

got quite a suprise on seeing the link :LOL:

havent had bunny in a while mmmmm jolly nice
the rubber gloves give it away really,,those and the slightly oof blood stained knife bottom right ,
just a picture of my youngest daughter and a rabbit . bloody kids eh?...................................................

Hell fire,,,,,,,,just had m-tea......:puke:
just a picture of my youngest daughter and a rabbit . bloody kids eh?...................................................

Hell fire,,,,,,,,just had m-tea......:puke:

rabbit ? :LOL:
Yuk. My cats left one just like it in my garden a month or so ago. I tried superglue, but was not brave enough for the CPR.

It's bizarre, I eat all kinds of meat and respect peoples choice of sport etc....yet if I am every in the hot tub, instead of relaxing, I can't help but rescue drowning flies. I kid you not.
