
Edit My Images

I am linking to several pictures. These ones I need to figure out a better shot for.

On the flickr link (siggy) there are the four best pics of all the ones I took.

Click the thumbnail for a bigger pic :)

I'd like to know some plus and minus points (if poss) on these.
The others on the flickr link - well may be I should have posted them instead :) but I thought any helpful critique might assist in the future.
There is too much space around shot's 1 and 3, like the movement of the second hand in 2, 4 is the sharpest of the lot. It's the background's that let them all down for me, should be dark or black for my tastes, here's a shot I took of a cheapo wactch :) recently.

Agree with above. The background is awful. It needs to be white or black really. I'm not sure if it's a white balance issue or the background really is that colour. You need to be closer, pick a detail of the watch and photograph it. Full shots work sometimes if the background is right.

You have some better ones on your flickr so you can do it, just focus on the shot you are taking before taking it.

Have a look at my Oris shots on my flickr. Not perfect by any means, but shows what I mean about picking a detail.
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You really need to keep watch shots fairly tight.
The comments re the background are spot on. Black always works best for me.

I always do watch shots using natural light too - and a tripod is a must.

Here are some i have done recently







By the way - the Henley shot above is very nice

Bubble wrap works well, but a glossy reflective paper or plastic would too.

Oris Movement by TCR4x4, on Flickr​

Oh, and clean the watch before hand, unlike someone. :whistle: