
:agree: the second one has that air of intrigue that really draws me into the photo for a closer look, and the absence of a sky helps the photo.
I think 1 is the one for me too, the log in 2 is just distracting enough, both corking images though...

Both nice images but #2 is a touch more intriguing
Two very nice images Tony, both quite different but both equally as good to me. Really like the B&W PP work you have done on these.(y)

number 2 for me. the log looks more like some terrifying monster from the deep just about to surface. you can almost see the fins and it looks like it has a sense of movement through the water
I like them both and great b&w conversion.

The log at first glance definitely looks like a creature, pretty spooky.
I'd like to see No 2 with the log cropped out as I think the waterfalls are captivating but I can't get past the distraction of the log.I think there's loads of tonal range and interest in the water
The second, for me is excellent, I love the log, as already mentioned it looks at first like some art of underwater creature. The only thing that very slightly distracts for me is the branch in the middle at the top in the middle band of white, which looks a bit 'blobby' but that can't be helped. Love them though.