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Took a little trip out today to see this little beauty. Hope you like.


Not something you come accross everyday; well done (y)
Never seen one of these before.
Thanks all for your comments. Hairy this was the first time I've seen one of these and they are indeed a beautiful bird. This makes two ticks this weekend, the Hawfinch yesterday and this today.
They really are cracking birds and such a photogenic species too as they always seem to be in pristine condition ... :D ... very well captured Lammie ... (y)

Theese are lovely shots of a great looking bird, I have only ever seen theese once before, about 2 years ago, I saw a flock of about 50 birds whilst walking to work, first light and they were stocking up on the glut of red berries we had that year.

Thanks for sharing !!

Thanks Ven and Dean. This is a lone bird on an estate in Derby which has quite a few of these berry trees and this must be why it has been around for a while. It's also pretty friendly as it lets you get close up to it.
Great capture Lammie, no 2 is a belter, (nips off and sulks cos i aint seen one this year)
Great capture -I'm green with envy. I know they do get occasional flocks on Cannock Chase, but I've yet to see them.
good grief
those are both absolutely stunning
sharp as you like
exposure spot on
and a rare one at that
well done you! (y)
yep me to i'm gelouse as ive never seen one and these shots are very nice .

can any one tell me if they've seen these near the nfk/sfk border or to go a bit wider east anglia.

Thanks again everyone, your comments are much appreciated. I've been down again today to have another look at the little fellow.