ways out of a monthly contract...

  • Thread starter englandshottest2
  • Start date


well, after having been 'talked into' signing a 12month contract with a local directory type service, i wish i hadn't! it's absolutely terrible!
does anybody know if we (the client in this case) have any protection or ways out of a contract as such...i mean trading standards give so many rights to buyers, seems this should be included too :(!!
currently i've got about 9months left on a 12month contract...maybe some way of saying it wasn't what was expected, or not as promised, etc....???? :bang:
What kind of directory service is it? Like a local phonebook?
What's so bad about it?

Most of these things have a cooling off period, but I would think that 3 months into it that is well past. Also - if it's a printed book, then they will argue that they have already printed them etc etc...

IIRC, trading standards will also deal with business to business sales - which it sounds like this is? Give them a try...:shrug:

Might be worth checking, depending on how much the cost of the directory service is with a solicitor.

Other than that, just don't renew and make sure you tell them why you are not renewing.

Good luck(y)
its an online directory system for local businesses
Did you sign up to it face to face? If you did it over the Internet or telephone, you can get out of it under the distance selling rules if you're still in the first 7 days.

The only other way out it to keep an eye on their t's & c's. If they change them or the service they provide you might be able to get out.

Otherwise, speak to your solicitor and let them find the holes in the contract.
darn lol, okay ill ask my friendly barrister :D
Whats so bad about it?

If it's not doing what it was intended to do, you can argue misrepresentation or not fit for purpose as being reason for release from the contract.
yep, that's it indeed, and i've written back to them to say this recently.... not doing what it was intended to do, & argued misrepresentation / not fit for purpose.... as being reason for release from the contract.
You need to read the contract that you signed.

It should cover grounds for termination. If they are failing to deliver or have misrepresented then trading standards may help.

What is the problem? They've listed you under pizza delivery?
lol, well just made out that it would gain more 'clicks', etc. with sales talk, etc. and I know full well that my site hasn't had even one click from it's listing.