Website and product Critique ..

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Struggle to think whether 'business' would be a better section to put this, but anyhow I want to listen to your comment on the website by and large so here you go:

this is a product I am about to attract local families with children, what do you think?

I have been working (quite hard) to get the online booking system and payment system integrated as well, so do have a look too

Feel free to play and reserve - if you do pay, I will expect you to turn up! :LOL:
At first glance, to be perfectly honest, the site doesnt loo very user friendly, with content all over the place....The home page had a lot of information on it, when i think it should be kept nice and simple - but thats only my personal opinion....

Also, i navigated to Portrait>Party, and then it shows one picture and on another thumbnail it says password protected :(

You have a section called CN? Are you still working on the site, or is this a finished product?

Just a few observations, i've not had the chance to go through the whole of the site....

Hope this helps....
wow Thanks really appreciate your comments.

Adam: typo checked.
Vishal: redundant pages removed. Reduced left navigation bar on certain pages to be less cutttering, I may move the 'Party' to a new section later.
Adam: you are right on the multiple business offers wedding/portrait etc. Not sure what can I do about it as it stands now.

Please keep your comments coming. :thumbup:
you are right on the multiple business offers wedding/portrait etc. Not sure what can I do about it as it stands now.

Wordpress will allow you to have different background for dirrerent pages so maybe think of having a different design for the 'WTGrow page'

You really need to move the images on the front page above the text. As soon as I come on your site all I can seee is text and I have to scroll down to see photographs. You want a user to come on and instantly see some of your images.

You should also check your grammar throughout your site:

Fee are to cover studio hire, MUA and model sitting. There maybe a small model release fee appreciable if photographer intend to use photographs for non-personal use, including for prompting services and products.

Fees are to cover studio hire, MUA and model sitting. There maybe a small model release fee applicable if a photographer intends to use any photographs taken for non-personal use, including use in promotion of products and services.
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