Website check please?

Edit My Images

I've just finished re-jigging my website and I was hoping some of ye could take a look at it and see what you think?

Is there anything I should change, what works, doesn't, speed and general layout etc.

Any tips to improve SEO also? I intend to add a blog page to it so it should make it a little more text heavy to help SEO.

The site is in my sig and it's also - it's currently re-directing to a /wordpress domain until I figure out how to get rid of that!! Any suggestions on how to do it simply as I'm not the best technically??

Thanks for any feedback.
No useful suggestions, but I'd just like to say that I love the site! It's so clean and stylish. I love your logo, love the font, love how easy it is to navigate the site. Great job!
Well I figured out how to get rid of wordpress from the url. If anyone else is having problems doing it then you can find a solution here

So has anyone got any advice on the site layout etc??
I like your site, it's nice and clean and quick loading.
Personally I think that you have too many photos in your wedding album. In order to see the last ones you have to click (or slideshow) through all the previous ones which I can't imagine people wanting to do. So I'd either reduce the number of pictures to show just your very best or add a thumbnail gallery to give the user the ability to choose pics in a random order. I like the picture viewer script though.
I would create actual pages for your wedding and sports galleries as currently the picture viewer opens over the page that they are already on so the URL doesn't change or anything. A new page would give you the option of adding a bit more text (could help with SEO) and gives a static page that you can link to.

For SEO there is a wealth of knowledge and help specifically for Wordpress. One of the best is who also make free wordpress plugins to help.
- Adding a blog to your site supposedly helps SEO as Google likes new content.
- Adding a sitemap is supposed to help, and submitting an XML one to Google (and Bing etc) is useful.
- Make sure that you are using <h1> - <h6> HTML header tags effectively as search engines look at those in particular to find out what the page is about (imagine your page is a book or report, the content is structured into an overall title, sections, chapters, sub-headings etc)
- If you haven't already then sign up to Google analytics to check the statistics of your site visitors, and sign up to google webmaster tools which will show you things like your website's keyword statistics.
I've aligned left the pricing text now.

I was thinking about the amount of pics alright - it's hard to know how many to put in. I have a thumbnail gallery option but I didn't like the layout so maybe I will reduce the number of pics. What would be a good number do you think, would 20 be enough??

I will add a page for the two galleries also, I didn't think of the benefit of possible SEO help by doing this, cheers.
I think it's a good looking site. Nice and simple and quick to load. The only thing I didn't like is one of the pictures in the scrolling home page - the one with the bride resting her head on the groom shoulder - he looks particularly grey in that shot (a bit zombie-like!):D:shrug:

Grey as in the WB is wrong or he actually looks like a zombie?

Those pics were picked out quickly but I suppose they are probably the most important as they are what the visitor sees first!
Grey as in the WB is wrong or he actually looks like a zombie?

Those pics were picked out quickly but I suppose they are probably the most important as they are what the visitor sees first!

The WB looks fine to me. He just appears to have a very grey looking skin tone, perhaps made more so by the skin tone of the bride. :shrug:
I don't think it's the photography, but as this is the first impression potential clients will have of the site, you want the best images there. If I was being really picky, I would also consider trying to clone out the bus in the BG of one of the others. :shrug:

Just my opion. (y)

Great site. Really nice layout, I very like it. Clean and simple, just does the job (for me at least).

Only think I would suggest is to start giving each of the images alt="" and/or title="" descriptions. Same applies for main links, like in the main navigation for example. It has minimal SEO value nowadays, but will certainly increase your website usability.
Looks good
Just a tip for you to keep in mind, Google ranks all content at the top of the page higher than content in the middle & bottom.
So put all your important stuff keywords etc at the top.
Well I've updated the site with some of the suggestions outlined above. Is this a little better?? I've put the alt= details on every pic on the site but when I hover over them it doesn't give me an alt text. Anyone have any idea why that is I wonder??
Well I've updated the site with some of the suggestions outlined above. Is this a little better?? I've put the alt= details on every pic on the site but when I hover over them it doesn't give me an alt text. Anyone have any idea why that is I wonder??

Looks much better for me :)
Regarding the alt="" issue as far as I remember you should use alt=""" for all images, and alt="" and title="" for all images that are links.

But what are current W3C guidelines regarding this ... I am not sure. Don't think you will get penalised (SEO wise) for using both alt="" and title="" at the same time <- but this need confirming as I am honestly unsure.

edit: well that's what the guideline says: link

ps. To sum up alt="" is used as alternative text when images for any reason cannot be displayed on the page (ie, incorrect link, or text browser), while title="" is a tooltip which pops out on mouse over - helpful while making accessible websites etc ...
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