Website Feedback please ..

also on the investment page theres a missing word

•a 2 hour engagement session with a
usb of fully edited hi-res images

that should be a USB stick i'd guess (actually i'd say "memory stick" as non techy people may not know what USB is - )
You are legally obliged to include an address to which you can be contacted on your business website.
You are legally obliged to include an address to which you can be contacted on your business website.

no you arent - , if its just a shop window for your services there is no obligation to provide an address , or indeed a landline number (although the latter is a good idea)

Companies are obliged to provide their regulatory information - which includes their address , under the companies act 1985 but thats not applicable to a sole trader who is not a registered company

the ecomerce regulatiomns require it for those who meet the requirements below

The Ecommerce Regulations basic disclosure requirements apply to “...a person providing an information society service...” (Regulation 6). "Information society service" means "any service normally provided for remuneration, at a distance, by means of electronic equipment for the processing (including digital compression) and storage of data, and at the individual request of a recipient of a service

this is irrelevant to wedding photographers as they are not providing a product at a distance and thus are not covered by the ecomerce regulations
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my landline number is on my contact me page, i have added it to the footer too but I sure wont be adding my full home address for anyone to see. clients get this on paper!
I don't blames you, theres no requirement for you to do so, so don't worry.
That is very refreshing to hear, thank-you moose! I will change the typo's. :)

What did I do wrong? Pete reiterated the advice I've been giving you for ages (against the general consensus btw), and he gets a Thankyou. Me - not even an acknowledged (storms off in a girly strop):baby:.
The address issue isn't as clear cut as Pete's making out. I don't blame you for not putting it on there but the legal position for a photographer, as you or I is a little wooly. You are offering/advertising services to the public and as such they have a legal right to know who they are dealing with and how to contact them - You can of course read that as an email address is enough - I do, but its grey, not clear cut.

You also need to provide an address for a google local account - you need one for your SEO, and also for nominet, to register a domain if your conducting business through it, so TBH considering everywhere you have to provide it its not a big deal.
What did I do wrong? Pete reiterated the advice I've been giving you for ages (against the general consensus btw), and he gets a Thankyou. Me - not even an acknowledged (storms off in a girly strop):baby:.

hey! i said you guys are awesome that meant both of you but for the record thank-you to you too phil ;)
You also need to provide an address for a google local account - you need one for your SEO, and also for nominet, to register a domain if your conducting business through it, so TBH considering everywhere you have to provide it its not a big deal.

When you think of it like that I guess it makes no odds .. but I still feel a little weary of putting it on my website.
hey! i said you guys are awesome that meant both of you but for the record thank-you to you too phil ;)

Good luck going through the site and 'tidying'.

I'm having a tidy of our galleries atm, it's amazing how we change and stuff I thought was portfolio worthy when I was close to a wedding now looks terrible (as a sales tool - not bad as a photo).

It's also interesting to see our style evolve even after all these years.
The address issue isn't as clear cut as Pete's making out. I don't blame you for not putting it on there but the legal position for a photographer, as you or I is a little wooly. You are offering/advertising services to the public and as such they have a legal right to know who they are dealing with and how to contact them - You can of course read that as an email address is enough - I do, but its grey, not clear cut.

Thats true, but it only means you have to provide an address when someone engages with you, which i'd tend to suggest happens when you send out info after initial discussion - there is no precise legal requirement to put it on your website unless you are either a limited company or providing goods/services at a distance

Nomininet is a bit of a red herring as if you don't write your own website it is often the web provider who has the address registration, however hugh is right that its difficult to have a googlemap without giving an address - if you want to have a google map for seo requirements. - also if you give your land line phone and full name unless you are ex directory someone could find your address details in seconds anyway so its not a big deal to give them.
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no you arent - , if its just a shop window for your services there is no obligation to provide an address , or indeed a landline number (although the latter is a good idea)

Companies are obliged to provide their regulatory information - which includes their address , under the companies act 1985 but thats not applicable to a sole trader who is not a registered company

the ecomerce regulatiomns require it for those who meet the requirements below

this is irrelevant to wedding photographers as they are not providing a product at a distance and thus are not covered by the ecomerce regulations

There are other acts, the distance selling regs covers for example the supply of services where you may not meet the individual beforehand, for example taking a wedding booking without a prior meeting. How many wedding photographers don't meet at their homes but elect to meet at a 3rd party premises such as a cafe? Then there are regs related to HMRC specifically.
There are other acts, the distance selling regs covers for example the supply of services where you may not meet the individual beforehand, for example taking a wedding booking without a prior meeting. How many wedding photographers don't meet at their homes but elect to meet at a 3rd party premises such as a cafe? Then there are regs related to HMRC specifically.

Wedding photographer are not covered by the distance selling regs either - who carrys out a wedding without meeting the client first ? :wacky: and regardless of where you meet (usually the clients home IME) they are not being sold to at a distance :bang: And if you take the booking first without meeting them you might under some interpretations be obliged to give your address at that point (on the booking confirmation) but you are not obliged to give it on the website.

The purpose of a wedding photographers website is to advertise their service, the client then gets in contact and you then take bookings and arrange meeting etc. It is not therefore a sales website per se

as to the HMRC regs - i'm not aware of any that specify a sole trader has to give a contact address on their website - perhaps you could quote the relevant legislation ?
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