website help please

Edit My Images
Hi all,

this might be in the wrong place, admins feel free to move to the correct location if it is.

I have my own website URL and its hosted.

I want to start my own photography blog using this web address but ive no idea where to start or if i can use something like blogspot on my url??

Im hoping someone on here may be able to help me as google just confused me! :bang:

THanks in advance

You should be able to forward the URL to Blogger easily enough. Set up the blogspot and then search the instructions.
If you've already got hosting try putting Wordpress on it, there may even be a quick install function in your cPanel.
Your host may have one click install apps like Wordpress.

Don't rust into anything tho read up on word press and how to customise it first and post then have a little play about then release it to the world.