Wedding cancellations


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I recently had a cancellation for a booking with the bride using the excuse that her brother had died and she had to contribute towards the funeral costs. Seems like a very good reason for cancelling however the bride is a Facebook friend and I later worked out through her status updates that the brother is actually the son of her stepdad who lives abroad and she hadn’t seen him for years so obviously a sad loss but I very much doubt if she had to contribute to any funeral costs. What annoyed me though was that in the 4 weeks since she cancelled the booking she has put 27 (I’ve just counted) status updates on Facebook about spending money. Shoes, t-shirts and accessories for her hen do, haircuts, nails and tanning sessions, loads of nights out and take-aways and buying a new mobile phone. In the same time, she has only mentioned her step-brother’s death in 1 status. Obviously I’ve not said anything to the bride, it is her decision to prioritise her spending the way she wants but I just think it is disgraceful to use her step-brothers death as an excuse for cancelling her wedding photography.

I was just wondering what are the worst excuses that other wedding photographers have heard for cancelling a booking?
Im sure people will use any excuse they can think of to get out of any agreement... i know i do... :nono:

Did you get to keep her booking fee ??
Not in weddings, but I've had so many passing of pets or grandparents as excuses for cancelling model shoots. Sometimes I wonder if models should be allowed to keep pets...

On serious note, I think in your case, I think they've simply changed their mind about something (either you, or change the date), and using the grief card to avoid paying you. As markw08 mentioned, I hope you at least kept the booking fee.
One of my Pro buddies recently had a call from a Bride telling him the Groom was dead !!! Died in Iraq. And she even sent him a copy of the Death Certificate

But its all lies - the Wedding is still going ahead !!!

Why lie though that's the thing ???

People are weird sometimes

seriously? how on earth did they manage that?! The cheek!

It was pretty obviously a fake one - or at least it wasn't an English one as it looked 'real' - unless you know what ours look like - the pillocks :shake:

if they are making a false statement to get out of losing money they would otherwise be contractually obliged to pay ... isnt that fraud ?

Come to that forging a death certificate is an offence in its own right.
if they are making a false statement to get out of losing money they would otherwise be contractually obliged to pay ... isnt that fraud ?

Come to that forging a death certificate is an offence in its own right.

Yup - but do you think chasing scum like that for money/satisfaction is actually going to get you anywhere but more grief, annoyance, time wasting - I kinda doubt it :shake:

Many years ago I was 'wronged' and took full legal action through the courts - how happy I was when the judge award me the 'win', then awarded the scum I'd chased a repayment plan of £1 per month for a £1,500 debt - which funnily enough they didn't pay

Easiest to walk away - dignity intact - and forget them :D

I think i'd have been inclined to send the 'death certificate' to the local press with an explantion of what had happened

it wouldnt get your money back - but it would give you a happy feeling when they were villified in the local community for exhibiting such poor taste (especially if the local comunity has any number of army families in it)

revenge is a dish best served with a big **** off spoon :LOL:
If you send something like that to the papers then you'd have to have your name included in the story. I doubt that would be great marketing. Cancel a wedding and I'll name and shame you in the paper!! No thanks. Just take it on the chin and move on.

Our chins are in full agreement - what they did was ***** - but 'revenge' is rarely sweet and can easily backfire - not worth it - walk away and forget them (y)

your perogative - i just think that anyone who fakes a death in combat to get out of something so trvial as a wedding shoot is a total scummer and wants naming and shaming (and prefferably tarring, feathering and hanging up by the testicles before being boiled in hot marmalade) its a total insult to the brave guys who are actually out their fighting and dying
its a total insult to the brave guys who are actually out their fighting and dying

Indeed - but we are kinda discussing business here, and business heads say its better to move on - and that's exactly what I'd do

I have no probs with you tarring, feathering etc. though :D

It was pretty obviously a fake one - or at least it wasn't an English one as it looked 'real' - unless you know what ours look like - the pillocks :shake:


Here's a wheeze of a TIC suggestion: Turn up at the wedding and when the priest/vicar/whoever asks if anyone knows of any "lawful impediment" why they can't be married stand up and produce the death certificate.

You might not be overly popular though :D
Here's a wheeze of a TIC suggestion: Turn up at the wedding and when the priest/vicar/whoever asks if anyone knows of any "lawful impediment" why they can't be married stand up and produce the death certificate.

You might not be overly popular though :D

I really like that
Here's a wheeze of a TIC suggestion: Turn up at the wedding and when the priest/vicar/whoever asks if anyone knows of any "lawful impediment" why they can't be married stand up and produce the death certificate.

You might not be overly popular though :D

Brilliant :clap: But wait, what do you mean you can't marry a dead guy? Is there a LAW against it? :)
Maybe not exactly but marriage is ended by death so how can it start to a dead person