wedding - first look positioning

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hey i'm doing a few shots for a mates wedding in sept - got more or less everything covered - lists, 2nd body lenses, flash. shot list etc - the only thing i have a query about is the first look shot (registry office) i'll get the bride walking up the isle - then where to be in position ? hopefully someone can assist thanks.
Are you assuming that they won't look at each other until they're side by side? Whatever, your best bet is usually off to the celebrant's left - if you have a choice. However, be prepared for the celebrant telling you where to stand and/or that you can't use flash, and don't even think about arguing the toss.

While you're being prepared, you can add to the list bride processing quicker than you expected, bride on wrong side of Dad or whoever's giving her away, and if it's really not your day, bridesmaid(s) up the aisle first and/or guest pushing in front of you with phone or tablet raised to get the shot you wanted. It's all good fun :)

BTW, if you're expecting to use flash during the ceremony, why?
hi dan - i need to confirm that they wont have eye contact until next to each other - we are going to see the celebrant to confirm positions for photos - i wont be using flash inside - only 15-20 people there so hopefully no photo fone buffs will get in the way lol . thanks for the info appreciated
hi dan - i need to confirm that they wont have eye contact until next to each other - we are going to see the celebrant to confirm positions for photos - i wont be using flash inside - only 15-20 people there so hopefully no photo fone buffs will get in the way lol . thanks for the info appreciated

confirming shots or positions prior to a ceremony is only ever going to end badly. The two main subjects of your photography will be going through heaps of emotions. How are your instructions going to stay in their minds?
i need to confirm that they wont have eye contact until next to each other

Take it from me that what they say about that beforehand and what happens on the day might well be two different things ... ;)
i expect the unexpected - positioning for myself is my priority thats why i'd like to speak to the registrar beforehand.
I stand to the priests/vicars/registrars left.

I instructed the groom to stand fairly central on the aisle and look over his right shoulder (if he wants to see her before) and that way I get the grooms face and the eye contact.

The bride then almost always stands on the left of the groom and I get to shoot her expressions through the ceremony (rather that than his).

I try and sneak away during on of the hymns and stand at the back for the kiss with the pitch of the roof chuch in shot and I'm there ready for them walking towards me as I leave the church.

That's in a perfect world but there's a whole lot of things which can get in the way of that.

Good luck