Wedding: Greg & Charlotte

Edit My Images
Okay so after my initial thread and all the comments and suggestions offered I have spent some time looking at my images
and decided to have a bit of re-think with the post processing.
I decided that despite the couple initially loving the images I was still a bit unsure as to how the over all look of them was and hence why I posted them here asking for advice. So now I have finished them I have decided to post one image here and provide a link to the post on my blog rather than clog up another thread with a load of images......
On a side note this was my first ever wedding.....
Please feel free to comment :)

Blog link

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I personally wasn't a fan of the original colour processing, feeling that it spoilt what are excellent photos. I think the new colour processing matches much better with the excellent B&Ws.

A fantastic set, beautifully captures the feel and emotion of the day (I've just got married so brought back lots of memories!). You should be justifiably proud of producing such a fantastic record of their day. I hope the couple are/were really pleased with them.

PS. I hope someone cleaned up all the oil that seems to have leaked out of that horrible old banger ;)
Brilliant thank you kind words! :)
I thought that was oil to, mentioned it to the driver after and he said it was water :thinking:
great job, better than the first set definitely.

I'm doing my first wedding this weekend and I hope I can achieve as good as these
I really like the images, but for me, on the admittedly non calibrated monitor that I'm using today, the colours look very over saturated.

That may be the look that you're going for however.

Lovely set nonetheless.
Much better colour now (I understand what Jerm is saying though)...imo of course. You still need to watch the verticals especially in the church. Blog comment left.
I really like these and mostly love the processing. For me personally though they are all a little but too contrasty/saturated - in general I like the effect but I think it's a tad overdone and especially when used in every single shot.
Now that's definitely more like it, to me anyway. If you hadn't siad it was your first ever wedding I'd have never have guessed it was. Think you may have a future in this wedding photography malarky.
I really love this capture, it's busy yet very personal. The more I look the more I see.

Superb. I also really like the conversion.

Congratulations :)