Wedding Photography

A tagalong (which I suggested) just goes along, sees what happens, helps the photographer carry gear, protect it from thieves, hold reflectors/flashguns and generally make him/herself useful.

When I had tagalongs they were always welcome to take their own shots and to pick my brains during quiet moments.

Thing is, no 2 weddings are the same and no 2 wedding photographers are the same either. Add 'difficult' venues and variable weather into the mix and you'll see that it makes sense to spend time with as many different photographers and at as many different weddings as you can.
Near Gatwick! Anyone want to let me tag along please PM im available weekends and am extremely willing and want to learn!

I dont really want to be an assistant i dont think. Id rather be a second shooter to get practice, really need to just see how it all works and what people expect and how the tog handles the day.

Having read through in this forum a mention of mine I specially was registered at this forum to write to you the offer.
Come to Lithuania, to Vilnius. It from Gatwick at three o'clock a way. We shall work together on the Lithuanian wedding. :)
... Or find couple in you country to which will like my style of shooting. It would be interesting to me to do some shooting English wedding. :)

Having read through in this forum a mention of mine I specially was registered at this forum to write to you the offer.
Come to Lithuania, to Vilnius. It from Gatwick at three o'clock a way. We shall work together on the Lithuanian wedding. :)
... Or find couple in you country to which will like my style of shooting. It would be interesting to me to do some shooting English wedding. :)

If this is he, then he is a genius.
Oh right cheers! Do you do alot of weddings Michael?

(ive only just realised that about the signature lol weird!)

Not too many yet, my next one is in September and I have a couple lined up for next year. I'm still learning (the wedding side of things) and want to build up more of a portfolio before I push my marketing. I broke my finger 2 months ago playing cricket - 6 days before I was due to shoot a wedding, and had to cancel - fortunately a friend is also a wedding photographer and he covered for me. Not what I wanted when I was trying to build my portfolio! :thumbsdown:


Having read through in this forum a mention of mine I specially was registered at this forum to write to you the offer.
Come to Lithuania, to Vilnius. It from Gatwick at three o'clock a way. We shall work together on the Lithuanian wedding. :)
... Or find couple in you country to which will like my style of shooting. It would be interesting to me to do some shooting English wedding. :)

Welcome! Love your work! (y)
what a cracking set of photos there Aleksandras Babi, i would be very pleased to have those as my wedding portfolio!
Aleksandras, that's some great work you've got there.

Please though, for the love of all that is my net connection, don't put them all on one page! Kills my

Seriously though, great work!
Not too many yet, my next one is in September and I have a couple lined up for next year. I'm still learning (the wedding side of things) and want to build up more of a portfolio before I push my marketing. I broke my finger 2 months ago playing cricket - 6 days before I was due to shoot a wedding, and had to cancel - fortunately a friend is also a wedding photographer and he covered for me. Not what I wanted when I was trying to build my portfolio! :thumbsdown:

Welcome! Love your work! (y)

Oh right well if its nearby and you want an assistant or wouldnt mind someone coming along to practise and help out then please give me a shout.
Aleksandras, that's some great work you've got there.

Please though, for the love of all that is my net connection, don't put them all on one page! Kills my

Seriously though, great work!

Thanks for your comments.
Strange. To an occasion of speed of our site at us inconsistent responses. From "very fast" up to "tragically slowly".

By the way, look, please on my new series:
I've done one wedding, it was a favour for a friend as they weren't having a pro tog, so there wasn't as much pressure as taking a paid booking.

What I found most difficult was getting everyone into position, I didn't take enough shots of just the b&g in various poses, also when I done it it was very windy, a nightmare with dresses and hair blowing everywhere. Also paying attention to backgrounds so as not to get too much clutter in and distract from the subject.

I would like to do more weddings, but before I consider taking any bookings, I'm going to read as much literature as possible on weddings, try and get a local pro to assist (I think an assistant rather than a second shooter would be much more valuable for learning about poses and groupings etc) and have everything written down as to what shots I wanted. I met with my friends before their wedding and spoke about what they wanted, but didn't go into enough detail about exactly what shots I and they wanted.

What I found most difficult was getting everyone into position,
Yeh, some folk just dont listen, they feel awkward, they may not know other people in the group that well so are not keen (in the usual british way) to stand to close or show any emotion.

I didn't take enough shots of just the b&g in various poses, also when I done it it was very windy, a nightmare with dresses and hair blowing everywhere. Also paying attention to backgrounds so as not to get too much clutter in and distract from the subject.

I think alot of those things are less important with todays fashion for a more journalistic approach to wedding photography. Its far more important to capture the emotion.
if your talking abpout getting people into place for group shots etc. sometimes you have to be a little bit loud.
"ladies and gentlemen. can i have you all down here for a group shot please?" .
"right you lot, get yourselves down here so we can imortalise you all in the bride and grooms lovely photographs" .
"that was rubbish. i know you can smile, cos ive seen you do it". always makes em smile.
wedding work can be as much about marshaling the troops, and knowing whats happening, as it is about the photography.
the suggestions of a tagalong are a real good idea. theres a lot lore to a succesfull wedding photographer than just snapping happily away.
theres no substitute for experience.
if you can get a tagalong , you'll realy benefit from it.
obviously you have to be able to do a very good job of the photo side too, if you want to have any future at all.
as for the style of photography, in our area anyway, the majority want a mix of the traditional and the journalistic. so for us , the posed stuff IS important too.
oh, and i'm the assistant AND second shooter.
if your talking abpout getting people into place for group shots etc. sometimes you have to be a little bit loud.
"ladies and gentlemen. can i have you all down here for a group shot please?" .

At which point 2 people will nip out for a quick smoke before the shots, someone will go off to find them and then when you finally get them all back the bride has nipped to the toilet.

Every single time :bang::bang: :LOL:
I'm not going to pour cold water on your ambition here but if you have to ask which aperture you should be shooting the bride and groom at, then I think you really need to be realistic with your approach. Not saying that you can't do it, not at all but I really think you need to learn basic photography first, then apply that knowledge to your chosen subject.

It's a learning curve and we are all on it somewhere. I'm at the second shooter stage and I'm lucky to work with a really laid back pro (until he needs to marshall the wedding party that is!)

Pick up some books on wedding photography too and pay particular attention to the focal lengths and apertures while you are learning. Practice taking good posed and candid pics of friends and family. Once you have the confidence in nailing those, then consider shooting at a wedding.
Indeed they are stunning! How many photographers at that wedding? Or was it a seriously long one? i.e How do you get from the alter to upstairs in the gallery and then back down again to catch them walking down the aisle! *phew* I'm worn out just typing it! :LOL:
Indeed they are stunning! How many photographers at that wedding? Or was it a seriously long one? i.e How do you get from the alter to upstairs in the gallery and then back down again to catch them walking down the aisle! *phew* I'm worn out just typing it! :LOL:
You are rather observant. :D
Actually in a church some shots under my request were made by my son who arrived home in holiday (from UK) and has thrust upon this wedding with curiosity. :)
How many pictures do people usually take on the day? Is there an optimum number to take?
How many pictures do people usually take on the day? Is there an optimum number to take?

How many?

The appropriate amount



Now that may seem a little vague a reply???:shrug:

But it's an accurate one - some Weddings can be shot to death in 200, some the coverage may take 10x that amount - so that's short/small Weddings against all day/huge ones

I take 20gb to every wedding, but usually shoot no more than 700 images, partly as I edit as I go along too and after being a tog for an age, I tend not to shoot any old thing just to see if there was a shot there later

Did that help?

How many?

The appropriate amount



Now that may seem a little vague a reply???:shrug:

But it's an accurate one - some Weddings can be shot to death in 200, some the coverage may take 10x that amount - so that's short/small Weddings against all day/huge ones

I take 20gb to every wedding, but usually shoot no more than 700 images, partly as I edit as I go along too and after being a tog for an age, I tend not to shoot any old thing just to see if there was a shot there later

Did that help?


Yer thats a very well put answer thanks DD! What cards do you use. I currently have a decent 80x 8GB card and ***** 4GB card.
Aleksandras......if no one takes you up on the offer of a trip to shoot a wedding with you in vilnius....I may well do. Looked like great fun, beautiful setting and an altogether cracking day

I am extremely impressed witjh your shots.

Better to have four 4G cards than 2 8G cards. Just in case they go funny.

I can never understand why people say this :thinking:

Way back to when we only had 512Mb and then 1Gb cards if that was the advice how did anyone ever move on to 2Gb cards??

Did they say "Better to have 8 x 1Gb cards than 4 x 2Gb ones" :shrug:

I guess due to the rate pixels have expended in cameras were still only talking proportionally the same number of shots that are at risk of loss arn't we?
Aleksandras......if no one takes you up on the offer of a trip to shoot a wedding with you in vilnius....I may well do. Looked like great fun, beautiful setting and an altogether cracking day

I am extremely impressed witjh your shots.


Greg, to me sometimes there come photographers with the purpose of joint shooting. So - welcome. At me only one problem - I very badly speak English. It is a little compensated to that in Lithuania excellent beer, and at me good character. :D You from England?
Thanks for compliments.
Greg, to me sometimes there come photographers with the purpose of joint shooting. So - welcome. At me only one problem - I very badly speak English. It is a little compensated to that in Lithuania excellent beer, and at me good character. :D You from England?
Thanks for compliments.

Your gallery is exceptional.

What is your most used lens? The Sigma 30mm perhaps?
Your website has top quality work! Superb shots! (y)

Well done :clap:
Greg, to me sometimes there come photographers with the purpose of joint shooting. So - welcome. At me only one problem - I very badly speak English. It is a little compensated to that in Lithuania excellent beer, and at me good character. :D You from England?
Thanks for compliments.

LOL (y) Your english is better than my Lithuanian. yep from London (near London anyway).
Will defiantely have to asmple your beer too....dekoti!:LOL:
My English actually is bad. Especially, if I am far from a computer.:D
However, it will not prevent to have a drink together of beer. I invite. :)

Alek, I must mirror the opinion on here and say your wedding shots are stunning. They also really flow nicely through the day to give a sense of continuance.

One thing though, are there no kids in Lithuania??? I dont think I've ever seen a full wedding shoot without at least one shot of a kid :D
Alek, I must mirror the opinion on here and say your wedding shots are stunning. They also really flow nicely through the day to give a sense of continuance.

One thing though, are there no kids in Lithuania??? I dont think I've ever seen a full wedding shoot without at least one shot of a kid :D

Neo, sometimes and our country it is possible to see children. ;)
Look photos from this series, shot in churches:
It is wedding shot in Moscow.
And this is in Vilnius. In the end of day the torrential rain has begun. However this circumstance has not upset a newly-married couple. However, in Moscow too has not done without a rain.
I thank everyone who will find time to look. I shall be glad to any comments.

The photos in these links are absolutely stunning. So clear and also very unique. You have done yourself proud and also the bride and groom in both sets of photos. (y)